Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Problems of Cloning :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

The Problems of Cloning Since March 1997, the birth of a cloned sheep, named Dolly, has caused a great sensation around the world. Though it was not the first time that the experiment using cloning succeeded, the reason why Dolly shocked the world was that she was the first clone from a cell of an adult mammal, something previously thought to be impossible. This meant that the possibility of cloning human beings was increased. For fear of realizing human cloning, a lot of countries have taken necessary measures to regulate the study of it. Some people, such as scientists in this field and certain infertile couples, are now arguing against banning it. But I think we should ban human cloning because it has a possibility to reduce the value of our life, to take away individuality in our society, and to destroy the moral and social systems human have long cultivated. Richard Seed, a physicist who supports human cloning, said in a radio interview that he would open a clinic of human cloning for infertile people and make a big profit (Hotwired Japan). If human cloning is allowed, there would be so many people such as Seed, who use cloning technology to make money. The business operating the technology looks so profitable because according to a report, there could be 100,000 or so women in the U.S. who would like a similar chance to use cloning to have their own babies (Watson). Probably, they do not care how much money they pay to have their own blood-related babies. To allow human cloning creates a world where we could get life with money. Buying life reduce the value of it because we cannot respect things which we can get easily. It could lead to the increase of murder. And it would be possible that someday at a department store we can buy life that is labeled, "ON SALE!" There are many people in the world who do anything for the sake of money. As a result, cloning technology is in danger of being abused. First, I think I should explain how to clone humans. In the simplest language, cloning is the process in which the DNA from some cell of a body is put by electrical shock into a female egg cell whose DNA has been removed. Then the egg cell is implanted into a womb, and after that it grows as same as a natural baby does.

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