Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pushing Products through Advertising: Camera Advertising Essay

There are many ads for different products these days on market. A product needs a good ad to attract many people and make good competition. Advertising has become part of producers’ life to win consumers hearts. All cameras serve the same purpose â€Å"to make memories memorable† or it is dead. There are different types of approaches camera advertisers use to attract the buyer to the product. Companies like Canon and Nikon use techniques such as glittering generalities, testimonial, need for affiliation and aesthetic sensation as propaganda methods to attract their buyers. Maria Sharapova ranked number one player in the women professional tennis in the world, is used in a Canon commercial. This propaganda approach known as testimonial, Maria hits several tennis balls with her power shot which stick in the net to form â€Å"Maria was here†. In this commercial consumers are told that if they use a Canon power shot digital camera, they make powerful statements. Therefore, most buyers are attracted to this product because of they want to be more like her, a talented, beautiful, sports celebrity. ...

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