Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Explore the scholarly literature on the contentious workplace issue of review

Explore the scholarly on the contentious workplace issue of Women in Top Jobs. A recent BBC article demonstrated that - Literature review Example With Thatcher’s prior leadership, United Kingdom was able to join the United States wars. Creating social norms that will reduce gender discrimination (Park, 1996). Further, there are jobs where the female gender is not eager to join. The average female gender does not like to join the army. Joining the army is very strenuous. The officers /leaders of the army rose through the ranks. Rising through the army’s rank entails joining wars. Joining wars include having a life-threatening gamble. The gamble is that the female soldier may be killed by the enemy’s bullets. As the female soldier spends more time with the war, the danger of being killed or maimed is greater (Park, 1995). In the judiciary, there are very female applicants for the juicy judge job. This is also very understandable. The work of the judge is life-threatening. When the judge pens a guilty verdict on the accused, there is a huge probability that the relatives or friends of the convicted felons may avenge the judge’s verdict. The relatives may wait for the judge to cross the street of the courtroom when the judge is in sight, the relatives may murder the judge. In the business sector, there are few female businesswomen. This is again understandable. Society is accustomed to male managers trying to sell the products to the current and future customers. People may look at the female sales person as someone who must try to sell products to the male current and future customers. In stores such as Tesco, there are more female sales persons than the male salesperson. The reason is obvious, current and future customers are more sensually comfortable talking with female grocery store sales persons (KPMG, 2011). In terms of leadership delivery, gender often plays a vital role. There are jobs prohibits that women from daring to excel. For example, In the European Union member states, there is a slow promotion of women into the management level. One dilemma of women is their moth erly role (KPMG, 2011). Women prioritize the rearing of children. Consequently, the home chores discourage women from exerting more time to their jobs. More time includes entertaining current and future customers. Entertaining customers may include engaging them in drinking sprees. Woman managers would find it awkward to entertain male current and future customers inside a dance floor. Likewise, female managers would find it awkward play basketball with current and future customers who love to play basketball. With the home job of rearing the family constantly bothering the female managers, the female managers cannot give their 100 percent to their current work responsibilities. There are differences in the interpersonal relations between men and woman. Men are often linear relationships. The men organize their jobs in component units. Likewise, men normally resolve management issues using the single usage approach leadership (Faugoo, 2011). On the other hand, the process time denot es femaleness. Women are normally busy during their sharing experiences. The women leadership includes sharing their expertise with other people. Because of home responsibilities, many women work using lesser company work hours when compared to men. The female members of our human society are destined to take care of the house chores. The house chores often include cooking the family’s food. The female gender is usually assigned to clean the bathroom

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