Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Managing Growth Essay

Sunflower Nutraceuticals (SNC) operates on a very tight cash flow. The past has not been had resources to stay above the water. SNC has been looking at some new projects and for the past nine years the projects and their impact on SNC’s financial impact has been tracked. In the first phase of these new projects two were applied to SNC. Acquiring a New Customer Atlantic Wellness was acquired as a new customer. Sales were increased significantly which in return also increased accounts receivable and inventory balances. This was a good decisions because as sales increase so does income. Additional accounts receivable and inventory can cause more overhead but can always be controlled. Leveraging Supplier Discounts With a new customer top-line growth was achieved. With the added expenses of more accounts receivable and inventory needs the cash flow for these three years was drained. It was however, offset by an added increase in EBIT due to favorable contracts. For the next three years two more projects were acquired. After the rapid increase in top-line growth and the increases it showed, SNC decided to pursue a new project that put SNC’s products into Mega-Mart Inc. retail. This once again increased top-line growth which drives sales higher, it consistently strained the EBIT. Developing a Private Label Since retail has immersed for SNC a private label seemed logical to stand out for consumers. Starting the branding process for SNC. The sale of the private label drove EBIT up again balancing out the next three years. The final three years and the final projects were critical. Since one project after another has off-set each other there is still a need to increase SNC’s cash flow and sales. High-Risk Customer Acquiring a high risk customer was a decision made with careful consideration. Since EBIT and net income were stable, sales was the next thing that needed to increase. Taking on Midwest Miracles increased the sales volume but the impact on the accounts receivables were large. Now there is talk in the business circle that Midwest Miracles is looking to file chapter 11 bankruptcy. This now leaves SNC with the option of possibly writing off a portion of the accounts receivable that has not been collected. Decisions The projects that were adapted by SNC showed that the financial resources can be forecasted and balanced with the right amount of research. Along with the increases and stabilizations SNC’s available credit line that was negative in 2012 when the financial restructure projects started remained steady through 2021. The total current assets also increased each year proving to SNC’s shareholders that a rapid increase in the value of the company has happened. Working Capital Effects â€Å"In business accounting, working capital is a benchmark measure of your company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations. It’s calculated by taking your business’ current assets and subtracting its current liabilities. Current assets are those that can or will be converted to cash in the next year. The major current assets are cash, accounts receivable and inventory. Current liabilities are obligations that must be fulfilled within the next year. For a typical company, the major current liabilities are accounts payable, accrued liabilities (such as wages earned by workers but not yet paid, or rent expenses incurred but not paid), and debt payments† (Chron, 2012). SNC’s total liabilities were up after the nine years of projects. Reference The Effect of Revenue Increase on Working Capital. (2014). Retrieved from

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