Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Managing for future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing for future - Essay Example Geely’s is the chosen brand. And the paper will try to find out the best possible ways to succeed in the future global market for the Chinese automaker; Geely’s. Introduction: Future is the unseen picture for moist of the companies. However managing the future with great strategies is the main ambition for most of the companies. In this case the futuristic marketing strategy and business plans are the primary objective of the Geely’s to sustain in the future market. The futuristic marketing and business plan is a weapon for the future competition which is the combination of many factors like price, product, place, promotion, advertising , financial policies and planning, new product development, innovation etc. In this paper the chosen MNC is the Zhejiang Geely Holding Group which knows as Geely’s. ... P, Nd). In the year of 2005 Geely Automobile holding limited got listed in the Hong Kong Stock exchange. It is one of the fastest growing car manufacturers in China. The production capacity of Geely can manufacture 400,000 cars annually (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). The young company had a revenue of RMB 1.18 billion in the year of 2009 (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). Geely’s first ever overseas investment was in 2009, when it bought 23 percent share of Manganese Bronze Holdings, the car makers of the London’s black taxis (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). In 2009 the young Auto makers acquired Drivetrain System International (DSI) for about AUD $ 54.6 million (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). The most prestigious overseas deal for Geely came to reality in 2010 when it taken over Swedish luxury brand Volvo from Ford and it is more amazing to know that Volvo’s revenue was almost ten times than that of the Geely (Tan. 2011 P, 153). In the p resent it has got the global presence. It has shown its strong existence in the countries like SWOT analysis: Before the starting of any business activities in the new country or in a brand new market for the future or to protect the company in the future market the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis is very important to understand the potentiality of the market. The SWOT analysis is having two factors, one is the internal factors and another one is the external factors. The internal factors are totally dependent on the company itself and the external factor comes from the market. Geely’s must do this analysis for the successful business globally. Different countries have different market factors. But, the market opportunity as well as

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