Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Buddhism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Buddhism - Essay Example Buddhism is one such religion. It is a religious practice that recognize and appreciates the reasonable teaching that emanate from every other religion (Harvey 19). Moreover, it tolerates the customs of other religions and cultural practices that might not be able to appreciate their teaching of Buddhists in return. Buddhism In essence, Buddhists are in a position to respect the views of man and appreciate other practices without harboring any religious prejudices. Buddhists, who are not able to appreciate the ways of other religious practices, maintain their silence and refrain from confrontations of any kind thus ensuring that is peaceful co-existence through sympathetic understanding (Harvey 23). Buddhism commenced as a reform group in Hinduism; India in the sixth century B.C (Eliot, 20). It was one of the ancient religions to emerge to become international having a membership of over two hundred thousand people. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, who was a son of the ruler of the Kshatriya caste (Eliot, 22). Gautama left his family and went out to seek enlightenment concerning the sufferings and anxiety of a decrepit man that he had witnessed in outside the royal compound. After seven weeks, he received the Enlightenment, hence became Buddha-the enlightened one. The Buddhists emphasize on practicing a religion that is honest, sincere, and truthful and that which is kind to others. They do not try to justify war under any circumstances rather they believe in solving a problem in a more considerable way while ensuring that they are not irritated or angered by people not paying attention to them (Skilton 24). In fact, they argue that, the attitude of a real religion; the Buddhism is to advice people instead of ruling or intimidating them. According to Buddha, human beings are not cruel or wicked by nature rather they make mistakes and act as cruel as people due to their ignorance. Hence the importance of guiding them in the right path, as opposed to condemn ing them to external suffering or religious damnation. They point out the vainness of certain religious beliefs and practices but at the same time preach religious intolerance. Needles to say, Buddhism has also been able to incorporate religious practices and customs from other religions, which have refined them in the course of their expansion (Skilton 26). Buddhism as a reform religion In relation to this, I agree to the fact that Buddhism is a reform religion. This is because Buddha who was associated with the Buddhism, lived a life that was sustainably different he considered himself as one who revolutionized the religious way of life in a more dignified manner. Although he was condemned, criticized and insulted by most noted teachers and critics, there is no doubt that Buddha reformed certain customs, duties pertaining to religion, rites, ethics and the general way of life. Essentially, his outstanding character cut across the buckets of false beliefs and practices that were pr esent in the religion leading to the exposure of the fact that they lacked content (Harvey 27). In particular, he brought up the idea of Nibbana, the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths. And even though they believes were common per say, he gave rational and realistic explanations to support his argument and initiated it as a natural law of cause and effect. Further more, he appreciated the value of the many he come across especially those that related to the Truth hand even offered an explanation of their

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