Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Dead Christ with Angels Painting by Rosso Fiorentino Essay

The Dead Christ with Angels Painting by Rosso Fiorentino - Essay Example In the painting, Christ has been shown in nude along with other angels who are smaller in size than him and have been clothed. The play with proportions and the use of brilliant colors in combination with light and shadow shows that the painter is a follower of the Florentine mannerist school of painting. In this painting, the artist had made a deviation from his regular style of painting. This style consisted of sharp edges in painting along with the use of bright and complementary colors and with the delicate use of their changing effects. The body of Christ depicted in the painting, draws many influences from the works of Michelangelo. The physical features seem to be derived from his works like the sculpture of pieta and the 'Risen Christ' in the church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva. Also, the posture of Christ sitting on the unidentifiable support resembles the postures of the ignudi on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel. With the influence of Parmigianino, Rosso added elegance and sophistication to his work as compared to his earlier works and this is expressed in this work. Christ, which is the central figure in the painting, is shown slightly larger than the angles; this might be an attempt to show the divinity and the largeness of his character.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Underlying Meanings of Superstitions Essay Example for Free

Underlying Meanings of Superstitions Essay Superstition is thought to be a belief that does not have clear scientific or reasonable evidence to support it. But some superstitions were taught from parents to children orally for a long time. Many superstitions have underlying meanings that contain useful knowledge, so they may be worth telling. One famous Japanese superstition is related to lightning. â€Å"The god of lightning likes humans’ navel, so when you hear thunder, hide your navel in case he steals it.† No one, except some children, believes that literally. Then is it just a silly expression? No, it’s not. I think it is formed for a lazy child who sleeps with their stomach naked. When it thunders, it often starts to rain, and the temperature goes down, so such a child is likely to catch a cold. That is, this phrase teaches lazy children to sleep with their shirt on in case they catch a cold. Another common superstition is â€Å"When removing belly button lint, you will have a stomachache.† This teaches about the stomach. Some studies show that the superstition is wrong, and the black grain is just dirt. It may be told so that children won’t scratch their navel violently. There is little muscle or fat around navel and important organs such as the bowels are just next to thin skin. If a child scratched it violently, a little injury would occur, and various kinds of minor germs would enter their body through the injury. As a result, they would suffer from a stomachache. The superstition may be told to prevent these problems. Finally, the last superstition is a little dirty, but also worthwhile. â€Å"Don’t urinate to earthworm, or your reproductive organ will puff.† I used to urinate on the street; however, I never experienced that my manly symbol puffed. It is also superstition that contains underlying meanings. The purpose of this superstition may be to advise against urinating on the street, because it may cause infection of the various kinds of minor germs, or humans have to express gratitude to earthworm, which gives nutrition to fields. In conclusion, there are a lot of superstitions in the world, but it is wrong to judge them as silly expressions just because they don’t have a clear scientific or reasonable basis. However, they often contain important underlying lessons. They are worthwhile to be taken over to next generation.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Some Things Just Really Make Me Angry :: Education Educational Essays

Some Things Just Really Make Me Angry I was reading Chapter 2, "It's all in the sign!", of Danesi's Messages and Meanings when I ran into a passage that, to put it politely, just really made me angry. Angry because my interpretation of this passage brought back a lot of memories of events that I have had to deal with in my educational "career". There were two sentences, in particular, that really ticked me off. The first was: If a drawing instrument is put in the child's hand, that child will almost instinctively use it to draw--a "skill" that no one has imparted or transmitted to the child. The second was: The child must be exposed to language in order for him or her to acquire it; that same child does not, however, need to be exposed to visual art in order for him or her to draw. These two seemingly innocent statements (that can be found on page 27 and which I have taken out of context) undermine everything that I hold dear. There is a huge assumption in the first sentence that drawing, as a "skill", is innately obtained, especially when "no one has imparted or transmitted to the child". Your naturally talented! Your daughter has so much talent! I wish I had your talent! Your so creative! Well, creative people are like that. I wish I could be as creative as you are! You're the artist of the group/class/school/etc...! Think of something creative/original/new! As I see it, these comments are not compliments of my ability to create visual images but at my "gift", my "talent". Hard work, practice, trial and error, learning the rules, processes, techniques or simple tricks..none of these are examined. The artistic process, to many, remains this mystical and quite godly transformation of something out of nothing and those with this gift of transformation are artistic. What it tells me as a teacher of the arts is this, that I am wasting my time trying to teach everyone, for there are only a talented few (please read the last sentence sarcastically). There is another point of contention that I have with the first statement. What I have taken out of context is the comparison that Danesi makes between language acquisition and drawing skill development. O.K. Danesi states that a child picks up a crayon (drawing instrument) and uses it to scribble naturally and spontaneously, without anyone imparting this knowledge to the child.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Crime Data Comparison Paper Essay

The two metropolitan areas I have decided to do my research paper on are Cincinnati, Ohio and Dallas, Texas. I choose Cincinnati because it is one of the bigger cities where I live. I choose Dallas because there seems to be a big difference in crime rates compared to Cincinnati. In this paper I will be comparing the burglary rate between these two cities. I will identify the number of burglaries reported to the police in each area and also explain which area had more reported burglaries as well as what were the rates of the crimes in each area. I will also explain whether the rates have changed at all and look into what factors that might be involved that might explain the difference in the burglary rates. Looking at the research, Cincinnati, Ohio had a rate of 6,287 burglaries that were reported to police in 2009 (Crime in the United States, 2009). Dallas, Texas on the other hand had 19,428 burglaries in that same year. The rate of crime given for Cincinnati in 2009 was 375.1 occurrences per 10,000 persons (Crime in the United States, 2009). Dallas by comparison had a crime rate of 1505.7 occurrences per 100,000 people. According to the crime statistics, crime in Dallas, Texas is down 6.4 percent from 2008 and Cincinnati has one of the highest crime rates in the country compared to all communities of all sizes. Ones chance of becoming a victim of property crime is one in twelve. (NeighborhoodScout, 2012). There are many factors that could explain the differences in the crime rates between these two cities. One factor could be the difference in population. The population in Cincinnati is 296,943 within the city limits according to the 2010 census. (Crime in the United States, 2009) whereas in Dallas, Texas the population is 1,197,816 according to 2010 censes. When you look at the numbers the more people living in an area the higher the crime rate will be. There are also other factors that could explain the big differences between these cities. The ethnic and racial makeup of the people living there and their educational levels could be a big difference. To really explain the increase or decline in both these cities is difficult because the two areas that I choose are so very different in population is really the biggest difference. In conclusion, in comparing both these big cities Cincinnati is showing an increase in the number of burglaries and almost every other crime as for Dallas, the crime rate there is down 6.4 percent. With the population in Dallas being 1,197,816 and Cincinnati’s population being 296,943 people would think that Dallas would be a city full of crime but Cincinnati is far worse. According to NeighborhoodScout . com, on a scale of 100 to 1(100 is the safest) Cincinnati rates just a two. This scale shows that Cincinnati is just safer then two percent of the cities in the United States of America. There are many factors that could explain why Cincinnati has one of the fasting growing crime rates in the nation. One could be the economy where there is nine percent unemployment in the city alone. Another factor could be the racial and ethnic makeup of the city. Looking at the Dallas, Texas crime rates, it rates a six in the crime index ( This means that Dallas, Texas is safer than six percent of the cities in the United States. In Dallas there were 8,341 violent crimes and 63,022 property crimes compared to Cincinnati’s 3,087 violent crimes and 20,911 property crimes. Looking at how big Dallas is compared to Cincinnati you would think that there would be more crimes per 1,000 residents but it is not even close. In Cincinnati there are 10.42 crimes per 1,000 residents compared to Dallas’s 6.82 annual crimes per 1,000 residents. When you compare Cincinnati with Dallas, the crime index, population, and the crime rates going up or down, Dallas to me would be the safer of the two cities to live in. References Crime in the United States of America. (2009). February, 2012 Neighborhood Scout. (2012) http:/ http:/

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Managing Growth Essay

Sunflower Nutraceuticals (SNC) operates on a very tight cash flow. The past has not been had resources to stay above the water. SNC has been looking at some new projects and for the past nine years the projects and their impact on SNC’s financial impact has been tracked. In the first phase of these new projects two were applied to SNC. Acquiring a New Customer Atlantic Wellness was acquired as a new customer. Sales were increased significantly which in return also increased accounts receivable and inventory balances. This was a good decisions because as sales increase so does income. Additional accounts receivable and inventory can cause more overhead but can always be controlled. Leveraging Supplier Discounts With a new customer top-line growth was achieved. With the added expenses of more accounts receivable and inventory needs the cash flow for these three years was drained. It was however, offset by an added increase in EBIT due to favorable contracts. For the next three years two more projects were acquired. After the rapid increase in top-line growth and the increases it showed, SNC decided to pursue a new project that put SNC’s products into Mega-Mart Inc. retail. This once again increased top-line growth which drives sales higher, it consistently strained the EBIT. Developing a Private Label Since retail has immersed for SNC a private label seemed logical to stand out for consumers. Starting the branding process for SNC. The sale of the private label drove EBIT up again balancing out the next three years. The final three years and the final projects were critical. Since one project after another has off-set each other there is still a need to increase SNC’s cash flow and sales. High-Risk Customer Acquiring a high risk customer was a decision made with careful consideration. Since EBIT and net income were stable, sales was the next thing that needed to increase. Taking on Midwest Miracles increased the sales volume but the impact on the accounts receivables were large. Now there is talk in the business circle that Midwest Miracles is looking to file chapter 11 bankruptcy. This now leaves SNC with the option of possibly writing off a portion of the accounts receivable that has not been collected. Decisions The projects that were adapted by SNC showed that the financial resources can be forecasted and balanced with the right amount of research. Along with the increases and stabilizations SNC’s available credit line that was negative in 2012 when the financial restructure projects started remained steady through 2021. The total current assets also increased each year proving to SNC’s shareholders that a rapid increase in the value of the company has happened. Working Capital Effects â€Å"In business accounting, working capital is a benchmark measure of your company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations. It’s calculated by taking your business’ current assets and subtracting its current liabilities. Current assets are those that can or will be converted to cash in the next year. The major current assets are cash, accounts receivable and inventory. Current liabilities are obligations that must be fulfilled within the next year. For a typical company, the major current liabilities are accounts payable, accrued liabilities (such as wages earned by workers but not yet paid, or rent expenses incurred but not paid), and debt payments† (Chron, 2012). SNC’s total liabilities were up after the nine years of projects. Reference The Effect of Revenue Increase on Working Capital. (2014). Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Eco Essay Example

Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Eco Essay Example Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Eco Essay Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Eco Essay Testing and Maintenance of Emergency Evacuation Procedures ItemAction required pass/fail requirementFrequency of action Monthly6 monthly12 monthly Emergency plan INSPECT the emergency plan and check for relevancy to the facility. ? Emergency evacuation equipment INSPECT the emergency evacuation equipment and check for compliance with the emergency plan. Emergency response procedures INSPECT the emergency procedures and test for relevancy to the facility by conducting an evacuation exercise for a nominated incident covered by the emergency procedures. Training INSPECT training records and check for compliance with the emergency plan Evacuation exercise INSPECT evacuation exercise records and check for compliance with the emergency plan. ? Emergency control organization (ECO) INSPECT the ECO list and check for compliance with the emergency plan. TEST the ECO for relevance to the facility by initiating an alarm and checking the response for compliance with the emergency procedures. ? Emergency response diagrams INSPECT the emergency response diagrams for relevancy and check for compliance with the emergency plan. ? Assembly areas INSPECT the nominated assembly area(s) and test for relevance to the facility and compliance with the emergency plan Q2) Define Emergency control organization (ECO) and outline the primary roles and responsibilities of the 6 key personnel. An Emergency control organisation (ECO) is a ‘structured organization that will initiate an appropriate response to emergency situations. ’ The primary role of members of the ECO is to ensure that life safety takes precedence over asset protection. Each officer in the ECO shall have clearly defined duties and responsibilities, as follows: (a) Chief Warden on becoming aware of an emergency, the chief warden shall take the following actions: (i) Ascertain the nature of the emergency and determine appropriate action. (ii) Ensure that the appropriate emergency service has been notified. (iii) Ensure that floor or area wardens are advised of the situation. (iv) If necessary, initiate evacuation and control entry to the affected areas. (v) Ensure the progress of the evacuation and any action taken is recorded in an incident log. vi) Brief the emergency services personnel upon arrival on type, scope and location of the emergency and the status of the evacuation and, thereafter, act on the senior officer’s instructions. (b) Deputy chief warden The deputy chief warden shall assume the responsibilities normally carried out by the chief warden if the chief warden is unavailable, and otherwise assist as required (c) Communications officer The communications officer, on becoming aware of the emergency, shall take the following actions: (i) Ascertain the nature and location of the emergency. ii) Confirm that the appropriate emergency service has been notified. (iii) Notify appropriate ECO personnel either by the EWIS or other means. (iv) Transmit and record instructions and information between the chief warden and the floor wardens and occupants. (v) Maintain a log of the events. (vi) Act as directed by the chief warden. (d) Floor or area wardens On hearing an alarm or on becoming aware of an emergency, the floor or area wardens shall take the following actions: (i) Implement the emergency procedures for their floor or area. ii) Ensure that the appropriate emergency service has been notified. (iii) Direct wardens to check the floor or area for any abnormal situation. (iv) Commence evacuation if the circumstances on their floor or area warrant this. (v) Communicate with the chief warden by whatever means avai lable and act on instructions. (vi) Advise the chief warden as soon as possible of the circumstances and action taken. (vii) Co-opt persons as required to assist a warden during an emergency. (viii) Confirm that the activities of wardens have been completed and report this to the chief warden. e) Wardens Persons selected as wardens may be required to carry out a number of activities, including the following: (i) Act as floor or area wardens. (ii) Ensure that the appropriate emergency service has been notified. (iii) Operate the intercommunication system. (iv) Check to ensure fire doors and smoke doors are properly closed. (v) Search the floor or area to ensure all persons have evacuated. (vi) Ensure orderly flow of persons into protected areas, e. g. stairwells. (vii) Assist persons with disabilities. (viii) Act as leader of groups moving to nominated assembly areas. ix) Report to the floor or area warden on completion of required activities. Q3) Using data from the relevant Austra lian Standard as a guide, describe the procedure used to pressure test a delivery lay flat fire hose. (a) Lay the hose out straight on a flat clean surface. (b) Mark the hose/coupling joints so that any movement between the two will be obvious. (c) Fasten the hose ends, to limit movement in the event of rupture. (d) Charge the hose with water to a nominal pressure of 500 kPa, taking care to vent all air. e) Increase the pressure gradually, over a period of not less than 20 s and not more than 2 min, until the required maximum working pressure is reached. (f) Maintain the maximum working pressure for a period of not less than 3 min, while the hose is examined for defects. Bibliography AS 3745 Emergency control organization and procedures for buildings, structures and workplaces AS/NZS 3003:2003 Electrical installations – Patient areas of hospitals, medical and dental practices and dialyzing locations AS 1851. 9- 1997 Maintenance of fire protection Equipment Part 9: Delivery la y flat fire hose

Monday, October 21, 2019

Management Term Paper Topics

Management Term Paper Topics Every student needs to write a management term paper, but can an average student write a good management term paper? No, unfortunately the writing skills of an average student is limited, and hence, most student receive bad grades for management term papers, despite the fact that they are proficient in the management field they still manage to fail in writing a good management term paper. It is very disappointing to write a management term paper and get a bad grade for it. If you are one of these students who fail in writing management term papers from time to time – you definitely need assistance in writing a management term paper on a given topic. We can assist you with your academic writing by preparing a sample management term paper for you. This way you will see how a management term paper should be written and formatted. We offer you high quality writing help, so place an order for a management term paper and have a skilled writer assist you. is always ready to assist you in writing a sound management term paper, with great quality and 0% plagiarism. Among other services we also offer you free theoretical help, to show you how a management term paper has to be done, and share some management term paper writing tips. A term paper is a paper written over a big period, in most cases a semester. Since it is a very important piece of work for your grade – you basically have only one chance to write a good management term paper. The management term paper topics you choose from may seem very complicated, so you should dig enough information on the subject before starting to write. In most cases – there are plenty information on the web, but you may need to consider some specific sources from the library, or even ask for some assistance from a management proficient specialist. When starting to write a management term paper – the first thing you are required to do is to choose an interesting management term paper topic. The management term paper topic defines everything. A dull management term paper will simply ruin a perfect text you can write on it. Since management is a science which is constantly changing – when writing a management term paper , you have to make sure the sources you have chosen a still relevant and applicable to your management term paper topic. Planning is a very important stage in the whole management term paper writing process. If you fail to plan your management term paper – your paper is definitely doomed. Make sure that the structure you have developed is 100% good and logical. The structure you come up with results the effectiveness of your management term paper. If your structure is not algorithmic – you will fail to prove all the thoughts and ideas you have and that will be a failure. Make sure your paper is written in simple language and is understandable to everyone. It is very irritating for the reader to understand and realize that the writer is smarter than he. So try to avoid this and use simple sentences in active voice. You will show your intelligence with what you write, not how you write. Here is a list of the most popular management term paper topics: 1. Personnel Management and Human Resource Management (HRM) 2. Total Quality Management 3. Project Management Principles 4. Information Technology in Business Management 5. Strategic Management 6. Operations Management 7. Financial Management for human service administrators 8. Time Management 9. Health Care Management / Organization Design and Behavior 10. Legal and Risk Management 11. Performance Management 12. Compensation management 13. Project Scheduling and Cost Management 14. Management and Leadership 15. Effective Techniques for Time Management and Stress Reduction 16. Management Information Systems 17. International Business Management 18. Conflict management 19. Knowledge Management 20. Organization Management 21. Case Management 22. Cross Cultural Management 23. Future Of Management 24. Network Management 25. Fund Management 26. Four Functions of Management 27. Customer relationship management 28. Waste management: A growing problem 29. The Greening of management 30. Participative management

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Does Your Business Need a Proofreader

Does Your Business Need a Proofreader Does Your Business Need a Proofreader? Does your business need a proofreader? Yes. Yes, it does. That’ll be all. Thank you for reading. What? You want to know why your business needs a proofreader? Okay, we’ll set out a few reasons below. But by the end of this post, you’ll wonder how you could ever have questioned it! 1. Polished Professionalism Whatever your business, you need to make a good first impression. And the first thing anyone will see is often something you’ve written (e.g., a company website or press release). Think about it this way: If you were meeting a client for the first time, would you turn up with your hair in a mess, odd socks on, and a coffee stain on your shirt? No? Well, you need to apply the same standards to your writing! Unlike a bad hair day, you cant cover up typos with a hat.(Photo: Bruce Guenter/flickr) 2. Typos Can Be Costly Errors in business writing can be costly in two ways. First of all, it can cost you the trust of customers and clients. Mistakes in website copy, for example, may make customers think twice about using your services, since it suggests a lack of care or attention to detail. More literally, though, typos can be expensive: For instance, the publisher Penguin once had to destroy 7,000 copies of The Pasta Bible at a cost of $20,000 because the book accidentally recommended using â€Å"freshly ground black people† instead of â€Å"freshly ground black pepper.† Pasta is definitely better seasoned with pepper. It’s fair to say that a thorough proofreader could have saved everyone involved a lot of trouble! 3. Proofreading Is a Skill We don’t blame anyone for not knowing all the rules about comma usage. Nor do we expect everyone we meet to be as keen on correct pronoun choice as we are. That’s because it takes a special kind of person to obsess over the details of spelling, grammar, and punctuation: a proofreader. In other words, the only way to be sure of great proofreading is to hire a professional. This also lets you and your colleagues concentrate on other work, boosting efficiency across your business. 4. Letting Your Content Shine! If you’ve gone to a lot of effort writing copy, you owe it to yourself and your business to let it shine. But self-editing is difficult, especially if you’re too close to what you’ve written. A professional proofreader, on the other hand, will bring a fresh pair of eyes to your work. This means we can spot errors you might miss, ensuring that your message comes through loud and clear. Eyes, fresh and ready for proofreading. Still not convinced? Then send us a 500-word sample and we’ll show you what we can do for free.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Evaluation essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluation - Essay Example lso plays crucial role in every aspect of life, to work in a proper flow, and facilitates our capacity to advance in knowledge acquisition which is imperative and enables us to fit in the current competitive world. When students graduate from college there is a tendency that most of them are still uncertain of their accomplished degree. It is imperative that they take decisive measures in determining the career paths to that fit exactly in personality, future goals, and primary interests. Before getting into the higher education it is better they take an initiative and plan career which will assist them student to focus on their major and preferred field of professionalism. It is of great pertinence that whether careers direct our study or we will direct our career goal. The importance of career planning tends to be a fundamental a gateway to the students. As social scientists have long evaluated, the vast majority of Americans aspire to attaining excellent careers, which can be generally defined to encompass complex of elements such as decent job, career goal, and self-actualization. Therefore, the four year period undertaken by students to complete their college education has created a pathway for the attainment of these goals. However, the general perception of most people is that, it is more imperative for a high school graduate to go to college rather than take a decent job offer right out of high school. Given the importance of higher education, it is hardly surprising that access to higher education has assumed, at least in the public’s mind, the status of a virtual right. The public’s logic is straightforward. Since a college degree is closely linked to a good job, to deny a motivated and qualified student access to a higher ed ucation is to say to that person, in effect, â€Å"You have no chance to become full partner in American life.† This idea is clearly unacceptable to the vast majority of Americans. In order to access a better job as well as

Friday, October 18, 2019

African American history assessing the antebellum slavery Essay

African American history assessing the antebellum slavery - Essay Example The aristocrats were very wealthy and owned vast pieces of land which were developed by the slaves. One factor that had an effect on slave institution was need for labor to work in the white farms. Slave trade was viewed by slave masters as necessary evil because there was sparse population and therefore they needed labor to work in their farms. In order to get this labor they had to force the blacks to work in their farms. The effect of this on the slaves is that they were forced to leave their homes to go and provide the required labor. The greatest oppressor of antebellum slaves was lack of education. There were also limited opportunities to professionals. They were denied education because the masters wanted to ensure that accumulation of property was easy. Lack of education was also contributed to by the fact that the slaves no property that could help them subsidize for a good education. As per the nature of work done, slavery involved involuntary servitude. It involved securin g labor services by means of force and treating the slaves so acquired as property. Work was assigned according to one’s physical capability where a day’s hours of work ranged from 15-16 hours. Moreover work was not assigned according to sex differentiation. Therefore even pregnant women could find themselves doing hard tasks like hoeing. An accident of birth is what determined the status of the slaves. Human nature coupled with inequality in power is the greatest factor that influenced slavery. The slavery had negative effects on the slaves. Effect of the slave trade on slaves was that they were subjected to very little or no privacy at all. They were put in various concentration camps in very large numbers. As a result there was a lot of overcrowding such that there could be no longer private life for the slaves. There was also a lot of work for the slaves. Due to this they had no free time for them. They were always expected to be working all the time. There was als o no time for the family. This was mainly due to the amount of work that they were expected to do. Secondly, due to the manner in which different tasks were allocated to different slaves, it meant that there was little time for the family. They were not able to see each other occasionally. Their children were usually sold or given away by the slave masters therefore they could not be closely knit together as a family. Furthermore, the slaves were not allowed to marry. This was because the slave masters thought that if the slaves were allowed to form families, they could have other responsibilities and thus they could not be able to work as they were expected to. To avoid this, they prohibited them from marrying. Another negative effect of the slavery is that they were subjected to very many rapes. They were raped by other slaves as well as by the slave masters. Profitability of slave trade To the holding master Slave trade though considered as a vice, it brought with it a number of considerable benefits. There were different benefits that accrued to different people. Since this was controlled workforce, coupled with economies of scale, ensured that there was free labor. The greatest beneficiary of this system was the white master. The system ensured that they produced more than they could have if they worked on their own. Benefit of slavery to the slave masters was that they were able to amass great wealth owing to the fact that slaves made doing of work in the firms easier. To the slaves The benefits that accrued to the slaves were that they were able to access better housing, better food and better clothing. There was also increased freedom of movement as well as more

Bear Stearns & Co Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bear Stearns & Co - Essay Example gh development rate of new franchisees and their new organization possessed saves, all the unneeded "hit" tapes from their current saves either could gainfully sold to new franchisees for stocking their saves with a base stock, or be utilized to stock the s organizations new stores. Blockbusters administration Pointed out that amortization of goodwill in excess of 40 years is worthy under proper accounting rules (GAAP). Blockbuster ought to be realized that adjusting lapses happen and depending how the loan specialist collects these blunders, the mixed installment (central + investment) may change marginally a few months to keep these mistakes from collecting; or, the gathered slips are balanced for at the end of every year, or at the last advance payment (Penman, 2009). There are a couple of pivotal focuses important when selling a home with an amortized credit. Primarily, there is significant dissimilar portion of the regularly scheduled installments at the investment, particularly amid the initial 18 years of a 40-year contract. 2. The impact on the Blockbusters 1988 earnings per share if 5-year amortization were applied to this goodwill will decrease keeping in mind that terms governing loan amortization is based on the mark of 40 years. In the case underneath, installment 1 apportions around 80-90% of the aggregate payment towards interest and just $67.09 (or 10-20%) at the Principal equalization. The careful rate distributed towards installment of the key relies on upon the investment rate. Not until payment 257 or 21 years into the credit does the installment assignment towards chief and investment level out and in this manner tip most of the regularly scheduled installment to Principal equalization pay down, and I think it is appropriate on this ground. In addition, the level of mortgage monthly payment will be high. 3. The earnings per share if the Video superstore purchases were not included in the 1988 revenues would have been much low keeping in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Humanities - Essay Example These conditions and poverty levels presented challenges that needed improved laws and law system. Consequently, the authorities’ emphasized on laws, leading to revision and incorporation of new clauses in the existing laws. The justice system continues to influence laws and school of thoughts. Ancient Greek during this time was marked with increased philosophical and medical studies that led to political, education and social changes (Covert 44). However, it is necessary to determine the factors that led to civilization. One has to determine whether geography and Greek are responsible. It is also necessary to compare Greek civilization with Eastern civilization and determine its superiority. Greek civilization, noted as Ancient Greece is a period stretching from 8th century B.C to 600AD. It succeeds the Dark Ages of Greek that was a period marked with orthodox ideas and misguided practices. The Greek civilization succeeds starting in a period called archaic period and ends wi th end of antiquity period. The beginning of the civilization features the influence of five cultures that helped shape Greece to its largely adopted culture. These cultures include Egyptian, Assyrian, Syro-Hittite and Phoenicians (Solway 3) During the onset of the civilization period, several changes began happening that made the period stand out from previous minor civilizations. Coining of the Greek alphabets from Phoenician scripts is one of the first changes. This occurred in the archaic period leading to emergence of written accounts. Water bodies characterize the geographical structure of Greek. Additionally, mountainous structures separate all neighboring community states. The coin emerged during this period that challenged the governing aristocratic regimes because the newfound trading methods led to the rise of a mercantile group that ended up desiring political power. This marks the period of societal governance change to democracy (Solway 23). The population grew in this period causing shortage of land and a deepening gap between the poor and rich. During this conflict, a social change occurred when Spartans males had to join the military whether one is an elite, rich or humble background. This is a period marred with civil wars. For example, Athens encountered land problems and agricultural misgivings that led to civil war. Law became the only solution in countering the conflicts. Initial attempt at settling the conflict failed but later succeeded after Solon reforms successfully established power to the aristocracy and improved the plight of the poor. This depicts the development of social structures, authorities and their shift with the changing economic, political, and educational aspects (Covert 3). Increased population growth led to migration and settlement into other areas that later would be collectively referred to as Greece. The migrations expanded the cultural practices and linguistic styles of the Ancient Greek. This further facilitated economy growth and adoption of the coin within the original states and overseas to the newly conquered colonies. Improvements became apparent in the people’s standards of living (Solway 34) The geographical outlook of the Greece territory was mountainous with numerous valleys and plains. As a result, numerous small communities lived separately, each with its own language, cultural practices and identity. This resulted in a larger community with diverse practices.

Research, Writing, and Rhetoric Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

, Writing, and Rhetoric - Research Paper Example The issue of influences of human behaviour is a fundamental area of study in the contemporary society where issues of morality and ethics almost always touch families and professions. A paradigm shift in the societal mindset is required to alter its potential to cause negative behaviours in the population. The power of a situation shapes the character traits of society members. Dawn K.Coutant, author of â€Å"The effect of A Power-Imbalanced Situation on The Cognitive Processing Of Low-Power Group Members† claims that when a child is born, the brain is blank (78). Knowledge is written into the brain from the experiences as one interacts with the environment. A range of factors such as culture, emotions and authority influences the traits of a person and impacts behavior. The socio-economic environment and situations surrounding the environment affects the traits of people more than they know. A person’s friends, family members, enemies, systems and even the media impact on his behavior in very fundamental ways. Many may argue about personality differences, which are inborn and not affected by the environment, but these traits are developed by situations surrounding the environment. There are certain standards and expectations that the society puts on every one of its mem bers. Adam D. Galinsky, author of â€Å"Power Reduces The Press Of The Situation: Implications For Creativity, Conformity, And Dissonance† states that the behavior of the members of the society is a product of these expectations (14). The society tells human beings what to do and how to do it. It prescribes the mode of behavior and conduct. In his book, â€Å"Replicating Milgram: Would People still Obey Today?,† Jerry M Burger explains the findings of an experiment that replicated Stanley Milgram’s obedience studies. His studies allowed for useful comparisons with the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Humanities - Essay Example These conditions and poverty levels presented challenges that needed improved laws and law system. Consequently, the authorities’ emphasized on laws, leading to revision and incorporation of new clauses in the existing laws. The justice system continues to influence laws and school of thoughts. Ancient Greek during this time was marked with increased philosophical and medical studies that led to political, education and social changes (Covert 44). However, it is necessary to determine the factors that led to civilization. One has to determine whether geography and Greek are responsible. It is also necessary to compare Greek civilization with Eastern civilization and determine its superiority. Greek civilization, noted as Ancient Greece is a period stretching from 8th century B.C to 600AD. It succeeds the Dark Ages of Greek that was a period marked with orthodox ideas and misguided practices. The Greek civilization succeeds starting in a period called archaic period and ends wi th end of antiquity period. The beginning of the civilization features the influence of five cultures that helped shape Greece to its largely adopted culture. These cultures include Egyptian, Assyrian, Syro-Hittite and Phoenicians (Solway 3) During the onset of the civilization period, several changes began happening that made the period stand out from previous minor civilizations. Coining of the Greek alphabets from Phoenician scripts is one of the first changes. This occurred in the archaic period leading to emergence of written accounts. Water bodies characterize the geographical structure of Greek. Additionally, mountainous structures separate all neighboring community states. The coin emerged during this period that challenged the governing aristocratic regimes because the newfound trading methods led to the rise of a mercantile group that ended up desiring political power. This marks the period of societal governance change to democracy (Solway 23). The population grew in this period causing shortage of land and a deepening gap between the poor and rich. During this conflict, a social change occurred when Spartans males had to join the military whether one is an elite, rich or humble background. This is a period marred with civil wars. For example, Athens encountered land problems and agricultural misgivings that led to civil war. Law became the only solution in countering the conflicts. Initial attempt at settling the conflict failed but later succeeded after Solon reforms successfully established power to the aristocracy and improved the plight of the poor. This depicts the development of social structures, authorities and their shift with the changing economic, political, and educational aspects (Covert 3). Increased population growth led to migration and settlement into other areas that later would be collectively referred to as Greece. The migrations expanded the cultural practices and linguistic styles of the Ancient Greek. This further facilitated economy growth and adoption of the coin within the original states and overseas to the newly conquered colonies. Improvements became apparent in the people’s standards of living (Solway 34) The geographical outlook of the Greece territory was mountainous with numerous valleys and plains. As a result, numerous small communities lived separately, each with its own language, cultural practices and identity. This resulted in a larger community with diverse practices.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Managing for future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing for future - Essay Example Geely’s is the chosen brand. And the paper will try to find out the best possible ways to succeed in the future global market for the Chinese automaker; Geely’s. Introduction: Future is the unseen picture for moist of the companies. However managing the future with great strategies is the main ambition for most of the companies. In this case the futuristic marketing strategy and business plans are the primary objective of the Geely’s to sustain in the future market. The futuristic marketing and business plan is a weapon for the future competition which is the combination of many factors like price, product, place, promotion, advertising , financial policies and planning, new product development, innovation etc. In this paper the chosen MNC is the Zhejiang Geely Holding Group which knows as Geely’s. ... P, Nd). In the year of 2005 Geely Automobile holding limited got listed in the Hong Kong Stock exchange. It is one of the fastest growing car manufacturers in China. The production capacity of Geely can manufacture 400,000 cars annually (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). The young company had a revenue of RMB 1.18 billion in the year of 2009 (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). Geely’s first ever overseas investment was in 2009, when it bought 23 percent share of Manganese Bronze Holdings, the car makers of the London’s black taxis (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). In 2009 the young Auto makers acquired Drivetrain System International (DSI) for about AUD $ 54.6 million (Alon, Fetscherin et al; 2011. P, Nd). The most prestigious overseas deal for Geely came to reality in 2010 when it taken over Swedish luxury brand Volvo from Ford and it is more amazing to know that Volvo’s revenue was almost ten times than that of the Geely (Tan. 2011 P, 153). In the p resent it has got the global presence. It has shown its strong existence in the countries like SWOT analysis: Before the starting of any business activities in the new country or in a brand new market for the future or to protect the company in the future market the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis is very important to understand the potentiality of the market. The SWOT analysis is having two factors, one is the internal factors and another one is the external factors. The internal factors are totally dependent on the company itself and the external factor comes from the market. Geely’s must do this analysis for the successful business globally. Different countries have different market factors. But, the market opportunity as well as

My Dad.. My Hero Essay Example for Free

My Dad.. My Hero Essay Today, 16th June, Fathers Day will be celebrated across the world- a day dedicated to those men who are an integral part of a childs life. While the mother is always acclaimed for the role of being a homemaker and bringing up children with the right values, the father plays a silent role of being a hero. Though we may not understand this role when we are young, but the fact is it our father who has groomed us to be the person we are today. Each of his actions or words subtly leaves an impression in our mind and without realizing we follow it. While the caring role of a mother continues to remain through our growing years. During our childhood he protects us from all the problems we fear to face. He is our provider, our Man Friday who has a solution to all our anxieties. As we grow up he evolves to be our friend and a guardian angle who not only protects but also let us make our mistakes and learn from them. As the years pass and we move on in different stages he set the tone and makes us ready to accept the practical aspects that life throws up at us. holding our hands in that big, strong hand makes everything right in the world. Fathers are usually compared to the coconut shell which has a hard exterior and a very soft interior. Yes this is exactly what they are .. and I tell this from my personal experience. As I evolved through life, I saw my father evolving me- accepting me with my mistakes, comforting me with his words and keeping me smile with his his little thoughts and actions. Wherever he goes my father leaves an indelible impression on all those he met. His warm and selfless nature will make any unknown person a friend and I learnt the lesson of accepting people without trying to change them. My Dad is an encyclopedia of facts and knowledge. He believes that reading is the only way to widen our knowledge and he made it a point to bring all sorts of books for me to read, whatever the price and I learnt the lesson that knowledge is priceless.. His dedication to his work and his family was out-of-this world and even today his office colleagues vouch for the perfection in which my dad executed his responsibilities. At the same time, I have seen him always being there for us whenever we needed him. He is a good luck charm and so I would insist on him accompanying me for all my exams and he always did that with a smiling face. Here, he taught me a lesson of balancing and prioritizing goals and responsibilities alike.. to make a good identity in public through in studies, through my family values.. The biggest joy for him has always been the smiles of his dear ones and even today he will go out of his way to ensure the smile remains through the years, the crucial lessons I am learning from him, evolving into a person I am and today when people say you just be like your father, there is no greater joy I feel.. because I always want to be like you my dad

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Tourism Policy And Regional Planning Destination Tourism Essay

Tourism Policy And Regional Planning Destination Tourism Essay Introduction Tourism planning is an important component when a destination decides to become a tourist attraction. Tourism has been on rise since the 1970s as more people began to work from 9am to 5pm and paid leave became more popular in at workplaces. This led to people having the leisure time to spend on their holidays. For a destination to become a tourist destination one should be able to know the market segmentation of the people travelling there. Theres a saying Rome was not built in a day. Tourism planning takes time and research. One would need to find out what type of product and services are needed for the type of tourist that comes to that particular destination. Tourism planning has become more important now than compared to 50 years ago. Tourism planning allows rules to be set by the government. They would be able to implement certain strategies that would help to reduce the negative impacts on the environment. This discussion paper will explore the different approaches that the gov ernment use and the challenges of tourism planning in todays world. Many forms of research are done to find out the characteristics of the people visiting a destination. Many tourism planners assume that the market segment does not change. According to Tourism Management, tourism has been around for many years approximately since AD 1500. Modern tourism would not have been possible without the precedents of Mesopotamia, the Nile, and Indus valleys, ancient Greece and Rome, the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages. Premodern tourism has their own character as there are many similarities with modern tourism. The Early modern tourism (1500 to 1950) considers the early modern era, which links the premodern to the contemporary period through the influence of the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution. The Contemporary tourism (1950 onwards) introduces contemporary mass tourism (Weaver Lawton, 2010). Tourism can raise the profile of a destination, attracting the interest of investors and visitors alike. Tourism According to Tourism Planning and Policy textbook, the definition of tourism is like what Leiper and Pearce believe that it is important to adopt an opened view of what tourism is all about: Movement of people and their resources By characterizing the collection of government, businesses, activities and processes that helped people to make decisions about travel Involves the production and consumption of the range of tangible and intangible resources Overlaps and intersects with the daily lives of local communities Involves the production and consumption of tourist experiences Produces the range of intended and unintended consequences and effects that need to be critically examined and managed. (Leiper and Pearce, nd) Tourism planning and policy should not basically mean as an economic development activities that are aimed at the supply and demand side of tourism. Tourism should be explored further to improve the other elements of tourism. Policy Sustainable tourism development is under the tourism planning and policy is there to achieve tourism development that minimizes the negative effects and maximizes the positive effects so that they can be sustained over the long term. There are four For the purpose of this report, this report will touch on the environmental problems, the number of challenges faces with limited infrastructure, depressed economy and using Central Highlands as a regional economic development tool. Lastly, recommendation as well as conclusions will be offered before the end of the report. Government Approaches towards Tourism Tourism policy and planning are divided into two categories: (1) substantive ideas that provide the direction and underpinning values embedded in tourism planning and policy. Tourism planning and policy both theory and practices are by a range of cultures, disciplines, methods and framework (Macbeth, 2005, p.89) According to Getz (1986) there are five approaches to tourism planning and they are boosterism, economic, spatial, community and sustainable planning. Each of these approaches has their own strengths and weaknesses which will be further explored below Boosterism Boosterism is when tourism development is perceived to be good and beneficial for the host community of a destination. It is suggested that cultural and natural resources should be used to for tourism development without any consideration to the negative economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism that will occur due to this exploitation. This approach is done mainly by two groups. They are politicians who are philosophically or pragmatically believe that economic growth is always to be promoted, and by others who will gain financially by tourism (Getz, 1987 cited in Hall, 2008). This will continue until is proven that they will eventually run out of resources to use and when the growth of political opposition can no longer be prevented. Although the main focus is on promotion and development of the destination, little attention is given to ensure that levels of demand are suitable to the resources and social carrying capacity of the region (Hall, 2008). Most of the time, the locals are not involved in the decision making and planning processes in regards to tourism development and those who are not in favour of these developments are deemed as being unpatriotic. For example hosting of events such as the Youth Olympics Games is deemed as beneficial for the host city of Singapore as it puts a country on display to the rest of the world making this a form of promotion. Money and resources are also spent on coming up with brand names such as Incredible India, Malaysia truly asia and Your Singapore. This is done so that visitors would be able to identify the brand name to the country. Economic Economic planning is essential as it supports growth and development in certain areas. Governments built infrastructures such as hotels to support tourism in that area. This will encourage foreign revenue earning as more tourists will travel to the destination because of the useful facilities it supports. This in turn creates employment for the locals living there. Marketing and promotion is used to attract certain visitors who will provide the greatest economic benefit to the destinations specific tourist resources (Hall, 2008). In order to accomplish the market segmentation of the tourist coming to the destination and matching of products and services, research has been conducted by governments and industries. However this may not necessarily be a benefit, when government focuses too much on the tourism industry they might neglect other areas such as agriculture industry. One of the strengths of the Central highlands of the Island as a tourism destination is its scenery. Tourist numbers are likely to increase when there is more accommodation built for them. Cutting down trees would be a necessary measure to make way for these infrastructures which in turn will change the environment of the destination (Moore Dowling, 2001). Physical/Spatial Tourism is regarded as having an ecological base resulting in the need for development to be based upon certain spatial patterns, capacities or thresholds that would minimise the negative impacts of tourism on the physical environment (Hill, Jenkins Kearsley, 1997). This type of planning came from people who fight for a rational approach to the planning of natural resources and deemed as the oldest form of environmental protection. The main emphasis is on the physical and social carrying capacity of the destination. As tourism increases in a destination they have an impact on the natural environment. For example, many national parks have management plans that zone sections of the park (Hall, 2008). Zoning is one of the methods used to limit tourist interaction with the environment to a certain area (Newsome, Moore Dowling, 2001). This will ensure that the damage to the environment would be minimal. Although strategies have been placed to manage visitors to attraction sites, these sometimes fail when there is an increased level of visitors and increased demand for the experience of the visitors placed on the attraction (Hall, McArthur 1998; Newsome et al. 2005 cited in Hall, 2008). For example the Canterbury Cathedral in England has a visitor centre built to manage the large amount of tourists as they places stress on the physical and spiritual fabric of the cathedral (Hall, 2008). Community The social and political situation is monitored as the local community have some control over the tourism development process. As tourist destinations become popular, impacts to the destination starts to appear. Therefore since late 1970s more attention is given to negative environmental, cultural and personal impacts of tourism and the social context within which it occurs (Hall, 2008). As alterations are being done to the environment of the local community, it is highly essential that the locals of the destination are involved in the decision making processes. Without the support of the locals it would be difficult for tourism growth and developments to occur. The local community can also generate income, diversify the local economy, preserve culture, conserve the environment and provide educational opportunities (APEC, 2010). Providing educational opportunities is highly essential as it provides them with jobs in the tourism industry. For example locals are hired as tour guides to show the tourist around national parks so that they will educate the tourist on the importance of environmental conservation. Local participation in tourism developments may be good but for tourism development occur foreign investors are necessary. An example would be building of accommodation for visitors. Majority of the earning s are goes back to the foreign investors leaving almost nothing for local community. A country with diverse cultural background might also pose a problem if there are conflicts among them and deter any foreign investors interested in investing in that countrys tourism development. Sustainable Planning Sustainable approach is a combination of boosterism, economic, spatial and community while generating income for the local community. This approach brings about the least damage to the environment (Inskeep, 1991). It brings about positive experience for the local people, tourism companies and the tourist themselves. The community benefits from the increase of job opportunities and improvement to the standard of living. Due to environmental protection resources last longer so that the future generations would be able to experience them and preserve them for many more generations to come (Newsome et al, 2001). Sustainable approach may not be favourable to private sectors whose main objective is to make profits for their businesses. Due to zoning, there is limited interaction with the environment would leave visitors unsatisfied because they are not getting the entire experience of the destination. Challenges faced by Tourism There are many challenges that are faced by the planning of the tourism industry. Tourism planners have to face challenges everyday, which includes both man-made as well as by nature to create a perfect and attractive site for tourist at the same time not intruding the privacy of the natives of that destination. The issues are classified as man-made and natural some of them being Terrorism, Global Warming ,global pollution. health and safety. Terrorism Tourism and terrorism cant co-exist in the same place at the same time. Terrorists seek out tourist destinations for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons being is that: An attack on a tourism center is an attack on that nations economy and also the nations security. (Tarlow, Peter E (2002). Terrorism has a strong negative impact even in countries where there is stable political system and strong traditions in the field of democracy. (K, Valery, 2010). The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (the single worst terrorist attack in modern history), by contrast, resulted in the deaths of 3,031 persons. (MERIA, 2006). Terrorism has manifested in the United States or Europe since the year 2000, has proven to be far too irregular (in terms of the frequency of the attacks) to provide a good overall picture of terrorisms impact on the society. (MERIA, 2006)They have proved to be a major factor for tourist decision making. Tourist react very sensitively to such calamities whe n making their choice of a tourist destination. A single terrorist attack can have a strong influence in a tourist spot or a whole tourist country. Where terrorist actions take lives of tourists the recovery of tourism is very difficult. So tourism is gravely affected by terrorism. Global warming Another major problem faced by the tourism industry is Global Warming. Educating the government about climate change should be an additional strategy of the tourism industry. (Eugenio Yunis, 2001) Global warming has been occurring since the late 1800s. Majority of climatologists have concluded that human activities are responsible for global warming. (NASA, 2005). The tourism industry is the booming and the most flourishing industry in the world, full of profits and money-making. But due to the both tourism and global warming work hand in hand. As tourism increases global pollution increases which in turn increases global warming. The main characteristics of the northern countries is their low temperatures. With an increase in temperature their climate conditions change. Due to global warming many nations around the world have been faced with climatic conditions such as floods, volcanic eruptions, droughts, tsunami and so on. And this has directly affected the tourism of these destin ations. Avalanches may increase and the snow skiing areas will not be considered beneficial and attractive as they will not be safe in the future. They will not remain as the tourist attraction. On the other hand, new areas may become adequate for skiing. In other words, we will be observing a shift in the tourism industry. Because of global warming, people will not be able to go to beaches, scuba diving and snorkelling may have to be stopped then, skiing in the mountains will become just another memory, rising sea waters may sink many monuments like the London Tower, and water may become scarce in places like Leh which has its water source in the glaciers of the Himalayas. Countries like Spain and Greece have a favourable climate have now started becoming too hot to travel and live comfortably. There are some places are becoming major tourism because of the positive effects of global warming. By taking some profitable measures and by combating global warming we can help tourism ind ustry flourish again. (Tourism Information Guide, 2010).Some nations for eg; Indonesia are a nation that has been seriously affected by natural calamities which include flood, active volcanoes, tsunami, forest fire. It has destroyed the economy of the nation and considerably reduced the tourist flow into the region. Health and Safety In todays context, to destroy a tourism sites reputation or to cause panic to the public, it takes very little effort. Take for example the outbreak of Sars in Toronto, Canada, once the news spread globally the hotel occupancy rate in the particular region dropped considerably despite the fact that there were no visitors who were stricken with the illness and cautious precautions were taken. This goes the same of the swine flu outbreak in Mexico. Visitors stopped coming to Mexico. World tourism faces a lot of global challenges in the event if there is a world pandemic. Examples being are the possibility of quarantines, the fear of airports and other crowded tourist destinations. The fear of not knowing what to do in case of illness in a foreign country, the need for cross-border medical insurance all this leads to second thoughts for a tourist. Tourists and convention planners are acutely aware of how hard the change or the cancellation of reservations both at the hotels and the airl ines are. The change and the cancellation fees mean that there is a higher degree of travel risk in uncertain times. (Peter E Tarlow, nd)Recent crises like the September 11, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), H1N1 and Avian flu, tsunamis, earthquakes and currently the volcanic ash cloud have impacted the Travel and Tourism economy over the last decade in a very serious. (World Travel and Tourism Council, 2010) In Florida, in order to protect their tourism as their economy depends on the large part of tourism, and as tourism is already down as compared to previous years, mostly due to the economic downturn. If news of outbreak of swine flu in Orlando gets out, people might cancel their travel plans and stay home, causing loss of revenue to Florida businesses. Floridas tactic seems to be in deny of any infection by citing CDC language, saying There have been no confirmed cases of swine flu by the CDC in Central Florida . But saying that the damage has still incurred no matter h ow much ever clarification or precaution is done on the situation. Introduction of Central Highlands Central Highlands has been controlled by Great Britain until they became independent in 1964. A decade later, they became a republic. Since the mid-1980s, the island has transformed into a freight point, petrol refining point and a tourist destination and has had immense growth both economically and financially. The key features of Central Highlands of the Island are that it has a temperate/sub-tropical island approximately 1 hour by air and 5 hours by ferry from the mainland. There is an established tourism sector on the coast of the island but has experienced a number of environmental problems. They have also faced a number of challenges as they have limited infrastructure, depressed economy and limited natural resources. There are several isolated ethnic groups living within the region and have been ignored in most government policy exercises. They also do have a number of potential tourist attractions which is another important source of their revenue. The regional government the re are also exploring the possibility of using tourism as a regional economic development tool. Also infrastructures of the region has immensely grown from the initial stage . Infrastructure The infrastructure in the central region is limited and because it plays a major role in tourism, tourist are hesitant to travel to the destination. The Government should work to address the challenges which will connect the people with water, electricity, accommodation, roads etc and should try to develop the facilities provided for the welfare of tourist and natives of that region. Education The government should introduce laws which guarantee free and compulsory education for all children under the age of 16. Education is every humans right no matter the rich or poor. As education is very important in the tourism industry , resources should be implemented to provide proper training to citizens to bring tourists around. Education also helps as a whole to enrich the countries overall development and wipe unemployment from the countries face. It brings a total development to the society and the nations development. Permits Permits are to ensure that the states have the following facilities to provide better circumstances for the people and the tourist and to keep a control over the functioning: To reduce the impacts on high-use and sensitive areas Separate potentially conflicting activities Encourage responsible behaviour to all users Collect data for planning Monitor activities which may become damaging to the environment and try to remove them or prevent them. Before any activity is undertaken, it is essential to see if the activity is allowed, and whether the activity requires a permit. Activities that require a permit are: Most commercial activities, including tourist operations Installation and operation of structures Any works, such as repairs to structures, dredging and dumping of spoil, placement and operation of moorings Anchoring or mooring for an extended period Waste discharge from a fixed structure Research except for limited impact research Educational programmes Traditional hunting. (Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 2010) The nation has to have a overall control of the functioning of certain aspects of the government to increase the development of the region as a whole and to improvise the tourism sector of that particular region. Community Involvement By letting the community be involved, there will be employment boost, training and economic opportunities for the community. Tourists who are there will respect the customs of the local hosts, pay for local goods and tourism services. For the tourism of any region to boom the particular locality should have a welcoming feeling to foreigners and to make the tourist to feel at home. There shouldn be any kind of negative vibes within the natives and locals of that particular destination against the tourist who flow into that region for tourism purposes, The community of any particular environment plays a major role in developing the tourism of that region. Communities should be made aware and educated about how to welcome foreigners and tourist and providing them with inviting smiles and pleasant conversations so that the tourist dont feel strange or weird of being in a new place. The development of the society and upgrading the knowledge and education level of that particular community . They also help in providing more employment offers to the locals of that area also increase the job offers. Fines and Penalties By implementing fines and penalties to the tourist destination, it helps in conserving the region and preserving the beauty and the naturality of that region. In Central Highland Island, bringing rules and penalties protects the environment and this in turn this will discourage the community from damaging the environment. While the Central Highlands do have a lot of natural forest and local architecture, Tourist might not be properly educated on how to conserve the region and in not polluting the destination. Tourist flow in from different regions of the world from different cultures and different society so its very important that the tourist destination should have proper rules and public safety officers to overview the entire functioning of the society as a whole, and prevent anyone who dare to be a nuisance to the public. Interpretation As having guided tours around, they will help to tell stories that are from the community, places (environment), artifacts. They also communicate ideas, enrich the tourist experience. They do have key roles to play in the management and conservation, in this case, as Central Highlands have little development, negative impacts and have substantial remaining natural forest and local architecture. Central Highlands also do have archaeological sites. The communication aspect helps the tourists to discover and appreciate their environment (natural, cultural etc). As the Central Highlands have very strong cultural heritage and unique ethnic groups, having tour guides made up of the community will certainly help the tourist understand more about the culture. Conclusion As the purpose of this report is to make Central Highlands to be more of a tourist attraction the report has included information on Government Approaches to tourism where the five approaches are listed, Getz (1987) has identified approaches to tourism namely boosterism, economic, physical/spatial, community and sustainable planning. Boosterism, has been around for a long time and currently still used to approach tourism. Sustainable planning is currently in used by tourism planners for the government. Tourism planners should be aware of the challenges faced in tourism are both man-made as well as natural. Tourism industry is affected by terrorism, global warming and health and safety. Currently, tourism planners have to face these challenges as they occur on a regular basis such as Terrorism. In the introduction to Central Highlands, infrastructure, education, permits, community involvement, fines and penalties and interpretation are used as regional development tool to help aid other possibilities of tourism. These tools have to be put in place as more tourists will come, enjoy their stay in the Central Highlands and spend more money. Tourism is very important in many countries as one of their main sources of revenue. Central Highlands economy is based on both the petrol production and tourism. Infrastructure, water and electricity are lacking in Central Highlands, therefore, tourists will not want to come down to the Central Highland for tourism purposes. An issue to be implemented includes educating the ethnic groups in Central Highlands about the importance of having tourism in the country. Ethnic groups are important as their culture is part of what makes the destination attractive and they will be able to educate more tourists about their culture, protect their environment and understanding these interpretations, the tourist will be able to reduce tourism impacts.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Father of Modern-Day Chemistry Essay -- Biography, Lavoisier

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier is considered to be the father of modern-day chemistry (Balchin 36). He had an unbelievable impact on the way the world views chemistry today. From identifying elements to discovering the importance of the role of combustion, he played an essential part in the world’s scientific ideas and inventions. He was so influential that he is said to have an equal if not greater impact in chemistry as Newton did in physics (Tiner 90). He used the initial ideas of Joseph Priestley, Henry Cavendish, and Karl Scheele, and worked to prove them and make them more official (Tiner 90). Because of these accomplishments, he is considered one of France’s and the world’s most outstanding scientists (Tiner 91). Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was one of the world’s most influential scientists and people of all time because he was a leading figure in the 18th century chemical revolution, he developed a theory on the chemical reactivity of oxygen, and he di scovered the Law of Conservation of Mass. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was born on August 26, 1743 in Paris, France. He was the only child of a wealthy middle-class family (â€Å"Antoine† Britannia). His father was a very successful merchant (Antoine How). From a very young age, he was very studious and extremely interested and concerned with the prosperity and the good of the public (â€Å"Antoine† Britannica). His education consisted of the study of mathematics, the classics, and sciences. He chose to pursue a career in chemistry because of an interest in rocks and other minerals (Balchin 36). Pursuing his gift in education, he went off to college and discovered a passion for law while he was there. After he finished college, he went to law school. He spent much of his time atten... ... he left a huge legacy. Ironically, two years after his death, people were making statues in honor of him. He left the world with all of his knowledge on oxidation, the periodic table, and work in the chemical revolution. In fact, his naming process is still used today, and his name is used in the title of the modern-day chemical naming system (Balchin 36). Lavoisier had a world impact incomparable to most. He explained in great detail the questions of many scientists, and had ideas and theories that were later proved by other scientists. He is credited for being a prominent figure in the chemical revolution, his work with combustion and the discovery of oxygen and its properties, and discovering the Law of Conservation of Mass. Lavoisier is definitely one of the most influential people of all time, as well as an unbelievable chemist and all around person.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Telephone and Fax Machines

Critically evaluate the tools (letters, e-mail, video conference, memo, phone) of business communication in a commercial organization. To visit any commercial organization, to understand the working and importance of each of these tools. Memo A memorandum or memo is a document or other communication that helps the memory by recording events or observations on a topic, such as may be used in a business office. Letters A commercial business letter is a letter written in formal language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. E-mail An email message consists of three components, the messageenvelope, the message header, and the message body. The message header contains control information, including, minimally, an originator's email address and one or more recipient addresses. Usually descriptive information is also added, such as a subject header field and a message submission date/time stamp. Video Conference A videoconference or video conference (also known as a videoteleconference) is a set of interactivetelecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously. Fax A fax (short for facsimile) is a document sent over a telephone line. Fax machines have existed, in various forms, since the 19th century, though modern fax machines became feasible only in the mid-1970s as the sophistication of technology increased and cost of the three underlying technologies dropped. Businesses usually maintain some kind of fax capability, the technology has faced increasing competition from Internet-based alternatives. However, fax machines still retain some advantages, particularly in the transmission of sensitive material which, if sent over the Internet unencrypted, may be vulnerable to interception, without the need for telephone tapping. In some countries, because electronic signatures on contracts are not recognized by law while faxed contracts with copies of signatures are, fax machines enjoy continuing support in business. Telephone The telephone often colloquially referred to as a phone, is atelecommunications device that transmits and receives sound, most commonly the human voice. Telephones are a point-to-pointcommunication system whose most basic function is to allow two people separated by large distances to talk to each other. It is one of the most common appliances in thedeveloped world, and has long been considered indispensable to businesses, households and governments. Circulars Flyers are typically used by individuals or businesses to promote their products or services. They are a form of mass marketing or small scale, communitycommunication. Office circulars are used in the company to convey the same information to all the employees. Make a report based on the accounting books maintained by a manufacturing concern. To study the way they are maintained. JOURNAL Journal is the book in which the transactions are entered the first time they are processed . PETTY CASH BOOK A petty cash book is a record of small value purchases usually controlled by imprest system. Items such as coffee, tea, birthday cards for employees, a few dollars if you're short on postage, are listed down in the petty cash book.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Evil Surrounds Us

Evil causes harm to everyone surrounding us, including ourselves. Jealousy lies and crimes are all led by evil domination of the human spirit. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the plot consists of young boys stranded on an island. The boys deal with temptations, such as; hunger, thirst, hunting and killing. The group is quickly split in two when Jack decides he wants his own tribe (the Savages). The boys loose all their civilized knowledge. They follow only their personal needs and their common sense. This novel resembles the classical play by Shakespeare, Macbeth. Macbeth visits three witches who tell him his future; becoming king of Scotland. He puts his faith in the words and the prophecies of the witches, after their first prophecy comes true. With the help of his wife, Lady Macbeth, he plots many murders to assure that the prophecies will come true and to keep everything secret. Both stories deal with the progression of evil. Both children and adults are drawn to the evi l side. They will do anything to get what they want, even if it means becoming murderers. Evil can escalade in transforming humans into savages. Every human being is drawn to the evil side, young or old. Evil is a common theme expressed in both Lord of the Flies and Macbeth. A person can be influenced due to his exposure to a type of environment. In the first novel by William Golding, Ralph is driven to stay in control of himself. The antagonist, Jack, is opposed to Ralph's self control. From the beginning, Jack has a feeling of disobedience among the group. He believes they should all live like animals; always acting upon their instinct. Unfortunately, the majority of the boys agree with him. He uses manipulation to speculate that they will have fun and be safe from an imaginary beast. †Who'll join my tribe and have fun?†. †I gave you food†, said Jack, †and my hunters will protect you from the beast, who will join my tribe?† (166) Jack is able to convince the others to join his tribe. Children are so innocent that they can be considered naive. By joining the tribe, they are entering the ev il side. In Shakespeare's play, Macbeth is revealed as a very consuming character. His wife, Lady Macbeth draws him to believing that he must become King. He murders King Duncan, thus entering himself in a world of evil. During the play, Macbeth feels the need for an assistant. He tries to convince his friend Banquo, †Yet, when we can entreat an hour to serve/ We would spend it in some words upon that business/ If you would grant the time.†(Macbeth, 2.1.) Contrary to Jack, Macbeth was not able to convince Banquo to help him. Banquo agrees to serve him only if: †So I lose none/ In seeking to augment it, but still keep/ My bosom franchised and allegiance clear/ I shall be counseled.† Pursuing this further, both children and adults have differences and similarities. Children are young and they have not been alive long enough to clearly know the difference between good and evil. Adults, on the other hand, can relate their judgment to their past experiences. They are still drawn to the evil side this can progress to forgetting what is their true identity, in result to achieve their goal. Humans with evil ambitions can forget their own common sense. Murdering is a sin, as written in the Bible. The evil amongst us causes humans to do heinous acts. For example, Jack is a hunter and he believes the boys needs meat to survive. His hunts quickly involve into murders. The pigs they hunt are killed more gruesomely. Consequently, they end up killing some of the boys on the island, not realizing their own evil ambitions. In one incident, Jack is proven to have lost all his common sense. †The beast struggled forward, broke the ring and fell over the steep edge of the rock to the sand by the water. At once the crowd surged after it, cowered down the rock, leapt on the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws.† (168) Jack simply replies that the beast had taken over Simon's body. He craves to be leader and to have all the boys following him. He stops at nothing to kill anyone that gets in his way: Simon and Piggy. Driven by his ambitions, Macbeth uses the same mentality as Jack. His first murder's objective was to become King of Scotland. Following King Duncan's murder, he must continue killing to deceive all his doubtful citizens. In one of his famous monologue he expresses: †I am in blood/ Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more/ Returning were as tedious as go o'er.† (Macbeth, 3.4.) This monologue proves Macbeth has gone to far the reach his ambitions. He has gotten so used to murdering, that he cannot stop. In Lord of the Flies, the boys killed to prove their strength and their control. In Macbeth, he kills to gain royalty. Evil consumes humans and it can change our identity. Evil can progress by creating animalism in humans. Every person is born with a unique personality. The majority of the boys in Lord of the Flies would rather act upon the need to prove themselves better and stronger than the rest of the boys on Ralph's side. Depending on a person's being, he or she is more susceptible to react in a certain way to different kinds of environments. For instance, in comparison with Ralph and Jack, Ralph reacts in a very grownup way to their situation. On the other hand, Jack's animal side quickly takes over. He loses all his common sense, only reacting to his animal side. With a familiar rhythm; †Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!† (205), this song was sung as a hymn to their tribe. Contrary to Jack, Macbeth's murders were done more humanly, than savagely. Furthermore, Macbeth feels the need to hide his heinous crimes, he states: †Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't.† (Macbeth, 1. 5.) By murderi ng, Macbeth and Jack proved their capability to act as animals. Depending on a person's personality, many humans have the need to set his animal side free. The progression of evil can impact a human being's life in many ways. Both children and adults are attracted to the evil side. Humans feel the need to continue evil deeds to achieve their goals. This can cause an uncontrollable savageness in a person's mind and behavior. The mind has been studied throughout history. It is an extremely complex organ and it is impossible to explain it completely. Most of the existing explanations are based on theories. One theory heard of is a human's †criminal mind†, or an expression also used an †evil mind†. Do only criminals have an †evil mind† or do all human beings have the hidden capacity to kill?

What Used to Be a Great Past Time

Summary Response Essay 16 July 2012 What Used to be a Great Pastime Going to the movies has been a great pastime for many people in our society. The experience of going to the movies has changed over the years in America. It seems like the past years rudeness at the movie theaters has increased making the movie theater experience worse for everybody. Rudeness at the movie theaters has changed, now there are people always talking and ruining the movie, and people that bring small children with them to adult movies which can be very distracting with the children’s crying and ruining the movie for everyone else in the theater.In an article titled â€Å"Rudeness at the Movies,† Bill Wine talked how people being rude in the movie theater is an actual experience. Wine talks about different ways people can be rude at the theaters by distracting others. He also talks about how the complete movie theater experience that he doesn’t get as a movie critic; because he is a mo vie critic he is use to a private quiet theater with other critics. This shows how much of an experience it is to go the a public theater with the distractions and what also makes coming to the movies an attraction.Wine states in his article that the laughing crowd helps a lot during comedy movies. â€Å"Especially with comedies, the infectiousness of laughter is an important is an important ingredient of movie-watching pleasure† (741), these experiences actually make going to the movies an experience hated by some and loved by others. These actions are hated by some because there are obnoxious people into the theater. People often talk before and during the movies which is very annoying and people who has already seen the movie will talk about upcoming parts.Wine shows many times that people can be rude at the movie theaters but even though it is obnoxious it may help the experience (Wine 740-742). In the article â€Å"Rudeness at the Movies,† the author Bill Wine, it is quite obvious how people can be obnoxious in the movie theaters and how going to the movies can be torturous. He talks about people talking and distracting others in the movie theaters. Wine makes a good point when he talks about a women talking about upcoming parts in the movie being watched, â€Å"Tell them about the pie eating scene, Harry. Wait’ll you see it. It comes just before you find out that the daughter killed her boyfriends.It’s great† (740), says the woman in Wine’s article. I had a similar incident one time with people behind me; they were trying to guess what would happen next in the movie; I found it distracting and I didn’t enjoy the movie. He also talks about when groups come in, especially groups of kids, and become really loud. I remember going to the movies experiencing something similar to what was mentioned on page 741, that Boy Scouts came in and started to make a ruckus; I used to be in Boy Scout’s and we actuall y got kicked out of the movie because we were too loud, fooling and joking around.Bill Wine made some pretty good points on how a movie experience can be pretty bad in today’s society. Rudeness at the movies has become a major problem for one of the greatest pastimes. Wine made good points by bringing up how people talked about upcoming scenes in the movie ruining the movie for others around. He also made a good point about how bringing groups of kids can be distracting like the group of Boy Scouts being a huge distraction starting candy eating competitions. Movie theaters, what was once used as a getaway is now a place that may ruin your cinema experience.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Buddhism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Buddhism - Essay Example Buddhism is one such religion. It is a religious practice that recognize and appreciates the reasonable teaching that emanate from every other religion (Harvey 19). Moreover, it tolerates the customs of other religions and cultural practices that might not be able to appreciate their teaching of Buddhists in return. Buddhism In essence, Buddhists are in a position to respect the views of man and appreciate other practices without harboring any religious prejudices. Buddhists, who are not able to appreciate the ways of other religious practices, maintain their silence and refrain from confrontations of any kind thus ensuring that is peaceful co-existence through sympathetic understanding (Harvey 23). Buddhism commenced as a reform group in Hinduism; India in the sixth century B.C (Eliot, 20). It was one of the ancient religions to emerge to become international having a membership of over two hundred thousand people. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, who was a son of the ruler of the Kshatriya caste (Eliot, 22). Gautama left his family and went out to seek enlightenment concerning the sufferings and anxiety of a decrepit man that he had witnessed in outside the royal compound. After seven weeks, he received the Enlightenment, hence became Buddha-the enlightened one. The Buddhists emphasize on practicing a religion that is honest, sincere, and truthful and that which is kind to others. They do not try to justify war under any circumstances rather they believe in solving a problem in a more considerable way while ensuring that they are not irritated or angered by people not paying attention to them (Skilton 24). In fact, they argue that, the attitude of a real religion; the Buddhism is to advice people instead of ruling or intimidating them. According to Buddha, human beings are not cruel or wicked by nature rather they make mistakes and act as cruel as people due to their ignorance. Hence the importance of guiding them in the right path, as opposed to condemn ing them to external suffering or religious damnation. They point out the vainness of certain religious beliefs and practices but at the same time preach religious intolerance. Needles to say, Buddhism has also been able to incorporate religious practices and customs from other religions, which have refined them in the course of their expansion (Skilton 26). Buddhism as a reform religion In relation to this, I agree to the fact that Buddhism is a reform religion. This is because Buddha who was associated with the Buddhism, lived a life that was sustainably different he considered himself as one who revolutionized the religious way of life in a more dignified manner. Although he was condemned, criticized and insulted by most noted teachers and critics, there is no doubt that Buddha reformed certain customs, duties pertaining to religion, rites, ethics and the general way of life. Essentially, his outstanding character cut across the buckets of false beliefs and practices that were pr esent in the religion leading to the exposure of the fact that they lacked content (Harvey 27). In particular, he brought up the idea of Nibbana, the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths. And even though they believes were common per say, he gave rational and realistic explanations to support his argument and initiated it as a natural law of cause and effect. Further more, he appreciated the value of the many he come across especially those that related to the Truth hand even offered an explanation of their

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How do media affect our lives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

How do media affect our lives - Essay Example As can easily be observed, the excessive that the Internet captures, comes out from none other than other activities people indulge in such as work, social and personal activities etc. This paper investigates into the impact of Internet on the various distinctive aspects of the social and personal lives of people associated with this medium or are involved in using this medium in a modus operandi fashion. Ever since its evolution, the Internet has transformed every aspect of how people live their lives. It has attracted people with its tremendous ability to provide information and integrate enhanced communication facilities into their lives (Hendersen 39). Internet has probably touched every field and walk of people's lives; whether it is working life, social life, personal relationship, education, communication etc. It has even changed the human perceptions encompassing solitude and loneliness. A person sitting alone at some place with a PC with him cannot today be called as lonely. He is likely to be surrounded with a lot of human companions online. The effects of Internet media on the lives of people are appearing as abounding these days. As people spend more and more time using the Internet, browsing through the web sites and chatting with different people, they are becoming more acquainted with the new world easily accessible to them at all times. It is impacting upon the whole spectrum of human lives, while changing the way people work, interact and entertain themselves with the technology. The most prominent aspect that is being consistently influenced by Internet media is the social lives of people. Bargh and McKenna put this as, "no one today disputes that the Internet is likely to have a significant impact on social life" (575). The social life of human beings is characterized with how people interact with each other, how often they converge to improve the relationships and how much time they denote to each other. Internet is likely to have more than influenced a person's social life, i.e., it has been systematically re-shaping the way a person engages in social activity. This medium involves exotic means of communication, unique ways of human interaction, and different fashion of entertainment and most importantly the activities for the utilization of time. Nie and Erbring emphasize that, "as Internet use grows, Americans report they spend less time with friends and family, shopping in stores or watching television, and more time working for their employers at home; without cutting back their hours in the office" (280). The Internet has undoubtedly revolutionized communication and interaction in the social system. Email, chat rooms, and even websites are allowing more and more techniques to precipitate effective communication between people. Persons living at great distances from each other now conveniently interact with each other in a matter of a few clicks and that too without any restriction of time. Bargh and McKenna illuminate that "rather than being an isolating, personally and socially maladaptive activity, communicating with others over the Internet facilitates the formation of close and meaningful new relationships within a relatively safe

Monday, October 7, 2019

Securitization as a System of Pooling Resources in the Area of Banking Essay

Securitization as a System of Pooling Resources in the Area of Banking and Finance Law - Essay Example This paper illustrates that non-liquid assets are resources, which could be freely traded in its present form and needs to be converted into another form of instrument for it to be accepted in the capital markets. A popular form of non-liquid asset is the mortgage loans, which could not be readily disposed but may be converted into securities through sale to Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) that issue bonds. Conversion of non-liquid assets to tradable securities such as bonds will allow banks to free some capital, which is tied up in the loans portfolio and allows for diversification of financial sources for business operations. Issuance of ABS also allows the originator to remove the non-liquid assets from its books of accounts in cases of true sale transactions, which in effect improves the financial ratio of the originator most especially in cases where it is bound to comply certain risk-based capital standards such as bank reserves. As a general rule, all the risk connected to the securities traded and purchased is transferred to the buyer. Unlike regularly issued bonds where security is based on the financial soundness of the issuing company, asset-backed bonds depend primarily on the funds or cash flows generated by the pooled assets which makes it less risky than the regular securities. This means that since the securities are backed by a specific pool of assets, ABS investors are, to some degree, protected from losing money if the originator of the bonds suddenly goes bankrupt. However, the very nature of ABS would not protect the buyer or investor when the transaction is flawed or vitiated. The degree of the risk involve shall be mitigated or aggravated by the system adopted in the transaction whether it is a true sale or a synthetic securitization.