Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Pros And Disadvantages Of Minorities In Society

Minorities are usually at a disadvantage when it comes to society whether it be their race, gender or social class, minorities aren’t usually in favor and are voices even minimal, but when a minority stands up and uses their voice it can resonate other minorities to help create change. It’s difficult for minorities to voice out against the discrimination they face, especially since that the state they live in is the only segregated left that appeals widely to the white community. Moreover, when minorities do try to protest against the discrimination and segregation in their community they are people who try to end and silence these protest, much like in Hidden Figures where dozens of African American men and women protest about segregation†¦show more content†¦Little does Al know, Katherine too, is fed up, â€Å"There’s no bathroom here. There are no COLORED bathrooms in this building or ANY building outside the West Campus. Which is half a mile away! Did you know that? I have to walk to Timbuktu just to relieve myself! And I can’t take one of the handy bikes. Picture that, with my uniform: skirt below the knees and my heels. And don’t get me started about the â€Å"simple pearl necklace† I can’t afford. Lord knows you don’t pay â€Å"the coloreds enough for that. And I work like a dog day and night, living on coffee from a coffee pot half of you don’t want me to touch! So excuse me if I have to go to the restroom a few times a day!† this outburst opens Al’s perspective of the struggles that Katherine has to face as a minority compared to what he was to face as a majority, as demonstrated by his actions. The next scene we see is Al break down the colored bathroom sign, â€Å"There you have it! No more colored restrooms. No more white restrooms. Just plain old toilets.† This scene shows how slowly the segregation that occurs in NASA is slowly fading and progressing wh ich help find their voices to help speed up the process, all thanks to one voice who chose to speak up and how minorities can help change the perspective of the majority. Now when we compare this evidence to Twelve Angry Men we are able to see the difference between theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Against Bilingual Education752 Words   |  4 Pagesyoung children might be taught to read in their native language of Spanish; they are transitioned to English-only instruction when their English is proficient enough to ensure success.† ( Since 1960, there was a controversy in the public school to have bilingual education. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Income Tax Fundamentals - 1617 Words

Chapter 1 – Cumulative Software Problem Answer 1-1 Comprehensive Problem 2 1040 Form Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service (99) U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Last name 2011 , 2011, ending OMB No. 1545-0074 , 20 IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space. * For the year Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2011, or other tax year beginning Your first name and initial If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial See separate instructions. Your social security number Spouse’s social security number Ivan I. Incisor Last name Irene I. Incisor Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see instructions. 468 Mule Deer Lane City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you†¦show more content†¦. . . . . . . . . 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31a 32 33 34 . . . . . . . . . . . Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and fee-basis government officials. Attach Form 2106 or 2106-EZ Health savings account deduction. Attach Form 8889 . Moving expenses. Attach Form 3903 . . . . . . Deductible part of self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE . Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans . . Self-employed health insurance deduction Penalty on early withdrawal of savings . . Alimony paid b Recipient’s SSN IRA deduction . . . . . . . Student loan interest deduction . . Tuition and fees. Attach Form 8917 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,380 Adjusted Gross Income Domestic production activities deduction. Attach Form 8903 35 Add lines 23 through 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subtract line 36 from line 22. This is your adjusted gross income 36 37 65,380 Form For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 11320B 1040 (2011) * The 2012 version of this form is not available as we go to press. Please see the Web site for the text at for solutions updated to 2012 forms. Chapter 1 – Cumulative Software Problem Answer 1-2 Comprehensive Problem 2, cont. 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From 1950-1990, the percentage of people that owed no money for federal income taxes and paid no federal income taxes was 22 percent. This has now doubled and is putting our economy and country at its breaking point. Our current tax system penalizes those that work and save money. People who pay no taxes still get to enjoy the benefits. A revolutionary change in our tax system is fundamentalRead MoreBenefits Of Private And Open Decisions Essay1392 Words   |  6 Pages Introduction Define Tax? Franklin Roosevelt Indicated that Expenses are the levy which we pay for the benefits of enrolment in a sorted out society. Since the last two decades hypothetical writing on tariff has prospered, yet charge hypothesis keeps on suffering from critical restrictions. Maybe the most genuine inadequacy is a dichotomy in suppositions on what propels open and private choices. (Walter Hettich And Stanley L. Winer, p. 701). 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The rich are getting richer to the extent that they are driving a massive wedge between socio-economic classes within the United States, and the impacts are far-reaching. Combating this inequality begins with an examination of the economic policies currently in place. Federal tax policy is an ideal place

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Contributing Factors To Brian’s Continence †

Question: Discuss about the Contributing Factors To Brians Continence. Answer: Introduction The aim of the report is to respond to the case study of Mr. Brian experiencing incontinence. The contributing factors to the incontinence and the continence issues are discussed. To promote continence in Brian, health promotion involves the process of increasing his control over and improves the health. For this purpose two-research articles on one initiative or innovation program is critically analysed and based on the evidence obtained the report recommends how registered nurses can improve personal practice and the practice of others. Contributing factors to Brians continence problems Incontinence and the problems related to continence are the indicators of the bladder and bowel dysfunction. It is the most common problem occurring in the old age but is never normal. Thus, age is not causative e but contributing factor for incontinence, which is also found in case of Brian (Watt et al. 2014). He is 82 years old man and his age may be considered contributing factors for his continence problems. According to Johnson and Chang (2014), urinary and faecal incontinence in elderly patients is caused by strokes. From the patient history, it can be interpreted that the ischemic heart diseases and heart failure is the contributing factor of Brians faecal and urinary incontinence. Bladder dysfunction also results from the spinal disorders and osteoarthritis (Bedretdinova et al. 2016). In neurogenic bladder disorder there is damage to the nerve tissues that control the functioning of the bladder and the muscles involved in urination and bowel movement. Brians, spondylitis may be the other contributing factor (Panicker et al. 2015). The possible complications of spondylitis are the urinary and faecal continence (Bagnola et al. 2017). Not drinking enough water is the contributing factor for inflamed bladder wall. In case of Brian, it was seen he consumed more of wine and coffee and less of water. Drinking tea or coffee aggravates the bladder, which makes the incontinence a likely occurrence (Watt et al. 2014). Wine acts as a bladder stimulant (Johnson and Chang 2014). Faecal incontinence can be caused by constipation. Brian opens his bowel every 2-3 days. Thus, constipation may be the contributing factor for the continence issues observed in Brian. According to Loening?Baucke and Swidsinski (2015) faecal impaction causes difficult bowel moment and is the cause of the lower gastrointestinal tract obstruction. It is commonly found in elderly people with the constipation. The same may be the causative factor of Brian bowel problems and it was found from the case study that his abdominal examination showed lower left abdominal faecal masses. Since, Brian is undergoing treatment and medication for his ailments; the side effects of the medicines are having adverse effects on his bladder function. Brian is taking frusemide and spiractin, which is diuretic that increases urine volume. Amiodorone taken by him shows the beta blocker-like and calcium channel blocker-like actions and is known for urinary incontinence and constipation. Brian also takes tramadol which is the opioid that causes the reduce bladder contractions, constipation (Hussain and Gill 2016). Main continence issues The main urinary incontinence issues faced by Brian is the voiding of urine 9-12 times a day and 2-3 times overnight, he feels the urgency to void on most occasions. Sometimes Brian is not aware of leakage. He opens his bowel every 2-3 days and each bowel action is associated with straining and urgency. These issues can be categorised as urge continence in Brian. Urge continence refresh to the condition where the loss of urine is accompanied with the urgent need to urinate. This mainly occurs due to involuntary actions of the bladder after stroke (Johnson and Chang 2014). Brian condition can also be related to the overflow continence. It is the condition where the bladder never completely empties. It is due to this reason that Brian voids urine 3-4 times a day with small volume of urine loss. Brians functional incontinence that is unable to make up to the bathroom at night. It can be caused by the stroke complications and the neurological disorder that he is having. His mind cannot c arry or plan the trip to bathroom (Watt et al. 2014). Incontinence in elderly patients is difficult to treat, as they are reluctant to seek help due to embarrassment. Lack of awareness and effective communication with the health care providers is the other major cause of poor services (Watt et al. 2014). It can be concluded that Brian needs comprehensive health care plan because he is having chronic heart illness along with several comorbidities that result in interrelated complications. This demands the multifaceted approach. Thus, thenursing care plan must address the health issues using evidence-based practice. There is a need of joint approach and strategies for achieving the best outcome for Brian considering his age, coronary heart disease, spondylitis, incontinence, walking disability and overall weakness (De Gagne et al. 2015). Critical analysis research articles Article 1 In the article by De Gagne et al. (2015), the aim of the pilot study is to develop, implement and determine the effectiveness of the self-management program that is evidence based for community-dwelling older women (aged 55 years) with urinary incontinence in South Korea. The rational for conducting this study is evident from the succinct background provided by the author that demonstrates the through literature review being conducted (Schneider and Whitehead 2013). Thus, the objective of the paper is justified by the following objectives- Evaluation of the participants outcomes regards to the severity of the symptoms of incontinence Evaluation of the fidelity of the implemented programs Determine the participants response or satisfaction with the program Considering the research objectives the research topic was well justified although there was no hypothesis given. The study uses quantitative research paradigm and involves a one-group pre- post-test design. The instrument used for the data collection includes Sociodemographic questionnaire, knowledge scale and attitude scale, ICIQ-SF, Short Assessment Patient Satisfaction, Fidelity evaluation checklist. The research design is justified as the methodology is well described in terms of the participants and each of the instrument used for data collection is well explained. It constitutes the strength of the study as it eliminates the limitations by detailed description of participants, the inclusion and exclusion criteria that were found justified (LoBiondo-Wood and Haber 2017). The author had clearly mentioned the setting of the research as Sosa community (Korean rural community) but the lack of details on it is inconvenient for the readers. The research seems to be reliable. Obtaining ethics approval implies that the ethical issues were taken into considerations (Moralejo et al. 2017). In the study, 17 women participated and completed weekly 90-min group sessions for 5 weeks. The strength of intervention emerges from the teaching topics that are described in lucid language. However, drawback involves lack of details on the sampling method (LoBiondo-Wood et al. 2014). It includes self-management principles, behavioral and lifestyle factors on bladder health, effective communication, myths and facts about UI, and interactions with family and friends. The limitation of the study is the lack of sufficient description of data analysis. However. It was justified that the study used descriptive statistics and paired t-tests. The results are well documented by the author in form of tabulated charts with flawless presentation of the statistical values (p 0.05). The presentation of the results under individual subheadings gives the readers an in-depth insight of the study outcomes. Acknowledgement of the limitations adds to the strength of the study (Coughlan et al. 2007). The findings of the study showed an improved outcomes with the implementation of the self-management program of the urinary incontinence despite the scarce resources in the rural communities for urinary incontinence management and treatment. The findings are clearly stated by the author emphasising on the potential of this program and its widespread implementation in thenursing practice. This constitutes the strength of the study as the results were found to be statistically significant. However, there should have been more details on validity although the research appears reliable (Moralejo et al. 2017). Overall, it can be concluded from the quantitative study that increase in the self-management of the disease was found by an increase in the knowledge and positive attitudes toward it. Article 2 In the article by the Wilde et al. (2014), the aim is to discuss the the principles of self-management and their application in treating urinary and faecal incontinence. The objective of the paper justifies the research aims and appears relevance. The objective is to describe the patients benefits by applying the self-management techniques to address incontinence together with the case scenario. The author initially detailed the key elements of the self-management and highlights on the patient management of the physical, psychosocial, emotional, and functional aspects of health. The need of patient self-efficacy and participation in the collaborative process of care implies for the role of the nurse. The strength of the review paper is emphasis on the three processes that a patient requires for self-management of illness. It includes focussing on illness needs, making use of health care resources, and living with the chronic illness. The strength of the paper is the thorough literature review along with the support of relevant theories (Aveyard 2014). The author further elucidates the precondition for success for self-management of urinary or faecal incontinence. The treatment of any underlying etiologies is the precondition. The author highlights the six specific self-management behaviours that come into play during the self-management. It includes- Problem identification- which in this case is incontinence Seeking evidence-based knowledge- about the range of interventions Decision-making for resource use and interventions by the patent Development and implementation of the action plan- by the patient Self monitoring- of self management strategies Goal setting and attainment The strength of the paper further emerges from the explanation of each of six steps that acts as a framework for the nurses and the patients to promote the continence and self-efficacy in patients (Kisely and Kendall 2011). This can be considered advantage as it is not possible to deliver the supporting interventions without these strategies. Highlighting these options may be considered the merits of research. The limitation of the review paper comes from the use of case scenario from authors persona experience. It makes the results and conclusions unreliable. The author had not mentioned search strategy for other papers used in the study and there is no details on the validity and reliability of study (Aveyard 2014). The results of the paper showed that the patient Donna Spencer, 69, diagnosed with urinary incontinence, after six week of self-management found improvement in her condition. The patient modified the amount of the fluid intake (less tea, and coffee and more water), engaged in exercises for pelvic floor muscle, the rapid pelvic contraction exercises, underwent the bladder training (cognitive motivation), including modifying voiding intervals, reduced weight, and lastly constipation management (Wilde et al. 2014). The strength of the paper comes from the strategies for managing faecal or dual incontinence such as dietary modification use of toilet supplies to prevent leakage etc. This informs the readers on how to implement the strategies. Overall, this article provides evidence, even though of low quality on improvement of urinary incontinence by self-management using evidence based strategies. Recommendations and Conclusions Based on the above discussion it can be concluded that the registered nurses should not only focus on the Brians medical aspects but also on the psychosocial, functional, and behavioural aspects of wellbeing. While implementing the intervention the role of the nurses for patients like Brian in promoting the urinary incontinence should be to educate patients on self-management of urinary incontinence (De Gagne et al. 2015). The nurse must help Brian focus on illness, make use of social, spiritual and environmental support and help the patients to make practical lifestyle modifications. It may include decrease coffee consumption for Brian. The nurse can promote the six specific self-management behaviours for patients with urinary incontinence mentioned in the above article. The nurse must implement person-centered care and encourage other nurses to do the same. In this approach, the nurse demonstrates sensitivity to changes in care delivery.In personal practice, the nurse must increase engagement in Clinical, educational, managerial, audit and research activities (Hgglund et al. 2017). The rationale for this engagement is to implement the evidence-based practice. It will enhance their contribution to continence care. Evidence based practice helps the nurses feel more comfortable to asses patients with faecal and urinary incontinence. The nurses must collaborate with their colleagues who are Specialist Continence Physiotherapist (Hgglund and Olai 2016). Implementing this recommendation will help a nurse to influence the practice of other nurses as well. It can be concluded from the critical analysis that care plan for Brian must involve educating patient on self-management strategies for urinary incontinence. The self-management may include adequate fluid intake, a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, effective toilet habits and pelvic floor muscle maintenance. References Aveyard, H., 2014.Doing a literature review in health and social care: A practical guide. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Bagnola, E., Pearce, E. and Broome, B., 2017. A Review and Case Study of Urinary Incontinence.Madridge J Nurs,2(1), pp.27-31. Bedretdinova, D., Fritel, X., Zins, M. and Ringa, V., 2016. The effect of urinary incontinence on health-related quality of life: is it similar in men and women?.Urology,91, pp.83-89. Coughlan, M., Cronin, P. and Ryan, F., 2007. Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: quantitative research.British journal of nursing,16(11), pp.658-663. De Gagne, J.C., So, A., Wu, B., Palmer, M.H. and McConnell, E.S., 2015. The effect of a urinary incontinence self-management program for older women in South Korea: A pilot study.International Journal ofNursing Sciences,2(1), pp.39-46. Hgglund, D. and Olai, L., 2016. Enabling and inhibitory factors that influenced implementation of evidence-based practice for urinary incontinence in a nursing home.Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, p.2057158516667644. Hgglund, D., Mooney, T. and Momats, E., 2017. Nursing staff s experiences of providing toilet assistance to elderly nursing home residents with urinary incontinence.Open Journal of Nursing,7(2), pp.145-157. Hussain, M. and Gill, S.S., 2016. 4.4 Anticholinergic Drugs and Inappropriate Medications in Older Adults.Geriatric Psychiatry Review and Exam Preparation Guide: A Case-Based Approach, p.356. Johnson, A. and Chang, E., 2014.Caring for older people in Australia: Principles for nursing practice. Kisely, S. and Kendall, E., 2011. Critically appraising qualitative research: A guide for clinicians more familiar with quantitative techniques.Australasian Psychiatry,19(4), pp.364-367. LoBiondo-Wood, G. and Haber, J., 2017.Nursing Research-E-Book: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J., Cameron, C. and Singh, M., 2014.Nursing Research in Canada-E-Book: Methods, Critical Appraisal, and Utilization. Elsevier Health Sciences. Loening?Baucke, V. and Swidsinski, A., 2015. Treatment of functional constipation and fecal incontinence.Pediatric Incontinence: Evaluation and Clinical Management, p.163. Moralejo, D., Ogunremi, T. and Dunn, K., 2017. Critical Appraisal Toolkit (CAT) for assessing multiple types of evidence.CCDR,43(9), p.177. Panicker, J.N., Fowler, C.J. and Kessler, T.M., 2015. Lower urinary tract dysfunction in the neurological patient: clinical assessment and management.The Lancet Neurology,14(7), pp.720-732. Schneider, Z. and Whitehead, D., 2013.Nursing and midwifery research: methods and appraisal for evidence-based practice. Elsevier Australia. Watt, Elizabeth Cassells, Colin 2014, 'Promoting continence in older people', in Chang, Esther Johnson, Amanda Caring for older people in Australia : principles for nursing practice, John Wiley and Sons Australia, Milton, Qld., pp. 423-454 Wilde, M.H., Bliss, D.Z., Booth, J., Cheater, F.M. and Tannenbaum, C., 2014. Self-management of urinary and fecal incontinence.AJN The American Journal of Nursing,114(1), pp.38-45.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Elements Of The Argument free essay sample

: # 8220 ; What Is Poverty? # 8221 ; Essay, Research Paper Elementss of the Argument: # 8220 ; What is Poverty? # 8221 ; Steve Ross Expository Writing Dr. Nancy Nester Final 10/25/96 What do you see poorness to be? Do you have a unequivocal account of it or make you see it an abstract circumstance? In the article # 8220 ; What is Poverty? # 8221 ; , Jo Goodwin Parker gives her thoughts on what poorness is. First given as a address, this article is written as an onslaught on human emotion. Her usage of connotative linguistic communication creates many rough images of her experiences in a life of poorness. By utilizing these images, Parker is capable of doing the reader to experience many emotions and forces the reader to oppugn his or her ain stereotypes of the hapless. With the usage of connotative linguistic communication and the ability to elicit emotion, Parker successfully compels the reader to analyze his or her ideas and beliefs on who the hapless are. We will write a custom essay sample on Elements Of The Argument or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Parker # 8217 ; s usage of connotative linguistic communication causes the reader to experience many emotions. Of these emotions, a outstanding one is guilt. Parker is capable of doing the reader experience guilty for the ownerships that he or she has. For illustration, she uses the phrase # 8220 ; You say in your clean apparels coming from your clean house, # 8230 ; # 8221 ; ( Parker 237 ) . This causes the reader to experience guilty for holding the chance to be clean when we all know that she doesn # 8217 ; t have the same. She calls hot H2O a # 8220 ; luxury # 8221 ; ( Parker 237 ) . To those populating in poorness hot H2O is a luxury. The unimpoverished return it for granted and neer before considered it anything other than a basic ownership. When the reader hears that person else calls it a luxury that they can non afford, he or she can # 8217 ; T aid but experience guilty for holding it as a basic ownership. Parker besides attacks the guilt of the reader through narratives of her kids. She knows that some readers may non experience guilty for things that happen to her, but when kids are introduced to the state of affairs they will experience more guilt. She says, # 8220 ; My kids have no excess books, no magazines, no excess pencils, or crayons, or paper # 8230 ; # 8221 ; ( Parker 238 ) . The reader can non assist but experience guilty for holding these basic things when her kids, who need them, make non. Another thing that Parker makes the audience experience guilty for holding is wellness. She says, speaking about her kids, # 8220 ; # 8230 ; most of import of all, they do non hold health. # 8221 ; ( Parker 238 ) . She goes on farther to depict what is incorrect with them. Parker says, # 8220 ; They have worms, they have infections, they have pink-eye all summer # 8221 ; ( 238 ) . These descriptions of her kids cause the reader to experience atrocious for them. By doing the reader experience this manner she is increasing the degree of guilt the reader besides feels. She is really successful in carry throughing this and this success causes her statement to go really powerful. Not merely does she do us experience guilty for holding ownerships that she can non, but Parker besides makes us experience guilty about the stereotypes we hold. She knows what society # 8217 ; s stereotypes are and she successfully combats them. Parker knows that society thinks the hapless Don # 8217 ; t want to work. To assail this she tells of why she can # 8217 ; t work. She has three kids. The last clip she had a occupation the baby-sitter she left them with did non take attention of them. She returned to happen all three in unsafe state of affairss. Her babe had non been changed since she had left it at that place, her other was playing with a piece of crisp glass, and her oldest was playing entirely at the border of a lake ( Parker 236-237 ) . Her opportunities of happening a better baby-sitter are slender because she can non afford a nursery school due to fact that she makes excessively small ( Parker 237 ) . This is why she can non work. Her inability to work leads to many of the other stereotypes that society has of the hapless. Society inquiries why the hapless can non be clean. She tells of how without money she can non afford any cleansing supplies ( Parker 237 ) . Parker Tells of how she saved for two months to purchase a jar of Vaseline and when she had eventually saved plenty the monetary value had gone up two cents ( 237 ) . She can non rinse in soap because it has to be saved to clean the babe # 8217 ; s nappies ( Parker 237 ) . She efficaciously shows how society # 8217 ; s stereotypes are wrong. She is capable of doing the reader experience guilty for the stereotypes and causes the reader to inquiry why he or she has them. If the audience would merely take a small clip to seek and understand her state of affairs they would cognize how baseless the stereotypes are. Parker is besides successful in arousing understanding from the reader. She uses connotative linguistic communication to make distressing images of what poorness is. For illustration, she calls poorness an # 8220 ; acid that trickles on pride until pride is worn off ( Parker 239 ) . # 8221 ; Not merely is poverty bad but it is an acid. An acid is a atrocious thing. It burns and corrodes off at something until it no longer exists. By this concluding poorness is destructing her life. This phrase forces the reader to see poorness as something worse than they had of all time thought before. She shows poorness as a expletive, as a # 8220 ; chisel that french friess on award until award is worn off ( Parker 239 ) . # 8221 ; Parker starts about every paragraph with a new definition of what poorness is. Some illustrations are: # 8221 ; poorness is being tired # 8221 ; ( Parker 236 ) , # 8220 ; poorness is ungraded # 8221 ; ( 237 ) , # 8220 ; poorness is inquiring for aid # 8221 ; ( 237 ) , and # 8220 ; poorness is looking into a black hereafter # 8221 ; ( 238 ) . All of these phrases create a different image of poorness and each one is a success in arousing understanding from the reader. They all force the reader to conceive of poorness in a new manner. We all knew it was bad but Parker makes us recognize how black poorness is. She shows us that there is no hope for the hapless without understanding. Parker is successful in acquiring her point across with her usage of connotative linguistic communication and her ability to make images. She has done a good occupation of assailing the reader and acquiring him or her to listen to what she has to state. Even though she attacks the audience she does it in an appropriate manner whereas she does non come across as violative. All in all, Parker has done a successful occupation at making images and utilizing the readers # 8217 ; emotion to acquire an audience to listen to her predicament and the battles of other # 8217 ; s in her state of affairs.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Grand Canyon Essays - Quake, English-language Films, Films

Grand Canyon The movie "Grand Canyon" encompasses many thoughts and feelings. The movie consist of many characters, whose lives run in parallel, and often touch each other, resulting in some unexcepted events and relationships. The encompassing theme of the movies is that life, and the people who live those lives, finds a way to over come adversity. The adversity comes in the form of unexpected and unmeaning violence. We see the characters' lives suddenly punctuated by events over which they have no control, and which are at random. Yet their lives, although temporarily thrown off course, maintain themselves and sometimes become enriched. The helplessness of the human condition is made even more stark by man's relationship to his environment. This is exemplified by The Grand Canyon, which inspires awe of one character in particular, and which, at the end of the movie, provides the back drop for the closing scenes of disparate people coming together. The movie also has other themes resonate as under currents to the central themes sketched above. The separate universes of the urban poor and suburban wealthy are contrasted. These universes occupy the same time and space, but rarely touch, except for moments of threading violence and pitiful ignorance. These images occupy the opening scenes of the movie. The street basketball, played by impoverished, inner city adolescence and adults, shows the poverty of generations trapped in a way of life. An old man looks on through the chain link fence at the basketball court, illustrating that despair is all that one generation offer the next. These scenes are shot in black and white, devoid of color of life. These scenes are contrasted with the colorful shots of the professional basketball game, with cheering, affluent, predominantly white crowd, and an arena full of commercial interest and money. The game is the same, but the universes that they are played in are unimagined to each other. A second sub theme of the movie is the disappointment of human relationship, but how they are given new hope by new relationships. We see the faltering marriage of Mack and Claire. The drifting of Otis from his family to the street gangs. The failed attempt of Mack to initiate and adulterous affair with Lisa. These failing relationships are contrasted with the joy of the new relationship between Claire and her adopted baby, Simon and Jane, and Roberto with his new girlfriend. These are limits of Lisa new relationship with a police officer. And Simon announces his love for Jane. A some relationship fade, others are kindled. Violence is an overreaching theme in the movie. Every character suffers from a violent episode, over which he or she has no control. The violence is of the very ordinary kind that happens many times in the city. The violence is not always man's making. A mild earth quake is enough to induce a heart attack in one of the peripheral characters. The heart attack, like the earth quake itself, is unexpected and not dramatic. The earth quake also ties in with the theme of man's diminutive importance to nature, and the world as a whole, as it has existed for millions of years before mankind. The Grand Canyon cares nothing for the trials and tribulations of the human race, or individuals who make up that race. Overall, this movie fails to deliver all that it promises. It does not make me think and consider its contents, but then a good book would have done that much more effectively. The movie is too long and eventually lost my interest. The producers failed to convince me that they had anything meaningful to say. Instead, they were content to hint at shades of meaning. I would recommend the movie, but not to be taken as seriously as it would like to be.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

7 Types of Hyphenation That May Seem Wrong But Arent

7 Types of Hyphenation That May Seem Wrong But Arent 7 Types of Hyphenation That May Seem Wrong But Aren’t 7 Types of Hyphenation That May Seem Wrong But Aren’t By Mark Nichol You know, of course, that a phrasal adjective, or compound modifier two or more words that combine to modify a noun are usually hyphenated to signal that link (only before the noun, however, and not if, as with â€Å"income tax† and many other permanent compounds, the open compound is in the dictionary). Even though the relationship often seems obvious, this is language law. Phrasal adjectives, however, aren’t the only grammatical category in which hyphens are required even though they don’t seem necessary. Here are seven others: 1. Job Titles Some job titles, such as secretary-treasurer, are hyphenated to signal the combined roles. Others, such as secretary-general (the title of the head of the United Nations), retain this form as a holdover from a time when hyphenation of compound nouns was rampant, though technically, general is an adjective modifying secretary (as in the example of president-elect, below). However, this usage is an anomaly: similar terms like â€Å"attorney general† and â€Å"major general† are open. Note that the adjective+noun combination â€Å"vice president† is open, but some other such compounds are hyphenated (vice-consul) or closed (viceroy). 2. Compound Nouns A handful of noun compounds stubbornly resist the usual usage evolution of open, hyphenated, and closed (or sometimes open to closed without the hyphenation middleman): The ones I can think of are by-product, life-form, light-year, and mind-set. Many people treat these artificially preserved throwbacks incorrectly the first and last compounds are often erroneously closed, and the hyphen is frequently omitted and a letter space inserted in the second and third ones and why shouldn’t they? Omitting hyphens and treating these words as open or closed compounds doesn’t violate any scientific laws. However, until dictionaries respond to the attainment of a tipping point where most people are writing such terms incorrectly, these words should be hyphenated. (Light-year may someday be closed, but because the first element of life-form ends with a vowel, it will likely remain hyphenated. On that note, the disinclination to close this type of open compounds affects other terms, such as shape-shifter.) 3. Compound Verbs When you use two words together to refer to a single action, such as referring to air-conditioning a house, jump-starting a car, or mass-producing a product, a seemingly extraneous hyphen is required. (The same is true regardless of the form of the verb: air-condition and air-conditioned but â€Å"air conditioning.†) 4. Fractions Hyphens in compound numbers such as twenty-one seem natural, but hyphenation of fractions (one-third) is counterintuitive. How many thirds? One. One is an adjective that modifies the noun third, so why hyphenate them unless they’re linking to modify a noun (â€Å"one-third full†)? I don’t make the rules; I just follow them. 5. Homographs Sometimes, prefixes you’d expect to be closed up to the root word are hyphenated, because closing them up would cause confusion with identical words with distinct meanings. Examples include resign/re-sign, resent/re-sent, and recreation/re-creation. (A rare case of a similar pair with a prefix other than re- is unionized/un-ionized.) 6. Prefixes Generally, permanent compounds beginning with the prefixes alls include all-around, ex-governor, and self-control. (Selfish and selfless, as well as the unfortunate unselfconscious, are exceptions with self-.) Some words beginning with co- (co-chair) and pro- (pro-choice) just look wrong closed up and are anomalously hyphenated, as are words in which the last letter of the prefix and the first letter of the root word are the same: anti-intellectual, co-owner, ultra-aggressive. Words beginning with non- are almost always closed, but occasionally they’re seen hyphenated and for good reason: â€Å"Nonlife-threatening injury† is an awkward treatment. Insert a hyphen when the prefix precedes a hyphenated phrasal adjective. And why, if we refer to the early or late part of an era, such as a decade or a century (â€Å"early 1920s,† â€Å"late nineteenth century†), no hyphen is used, but a reference to the middle of a period requires one, as in mid-1970s or mid-century? Consistency would call for referring to â€Å"the middle 1970s† or â€Å"the middle of the century,† but mid- has replaced this usage. 7. Suffixes Constructions such as president-elect may seem to be unnecessarily burdened with a hyphen, but they’re equivalent to modified phrases such as daughter-in-law. (Note, though, that such constructions do not include a hyphen when the first element is an open compound, such as in â€Å"vice president elect.†) However, â€Å"editor in chief† shed its connective tissue long go without difficulty (though some people still incorrectly hyphenate the phrase), so similar constructions may follow suit. For now, though, go with the flow. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Structure A Story: The Eight-Point Arc3 Cases of Complicated Hyphenation7 Other Types of Pronouns

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Two Different Art Forms Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two Different Art Forms - Assignment Example Two sculptors namely, Daphnis of Miletus and Paionios of Ephesus designed the statue. The dying gladiator portrays an injured Celtic fighter in anticipation of death in the arena. The sculpture depicts a living-dimension marble of a singular amidst the sculptures of bronze bestowed at Pergammon. King Attlos I erected the statue to honor his wins over the Gladiators who had raided Asia during the 239 B.C. The dying Gaul imitates a miserable gladiator sitting on his shield tired and given up. The sculpture shows a perforation on the warrior’s right lung on its lower lobe. The Gaul is either dying because of the bleeding wound or the enemy might inflict another fatal injury at any moment. The sculptors are sensitive in the application of the principle of proportion. The warrior is seated at the middle with his sword and shield dropped besides him. The viewers would focus on the main statue of the gladiator and his weapons. Michelangelo designed the Pieta sculpture between 1498 and 1499, which is currently housed in Vatican City. The sculpture exposes Mary holding the body of Christ in her laps immediately his body was taken down from the cross. The statue outstands amongst others because of its inability to express proportionality. In common situations, it would be specious for a woman to hold a man in her laps due to the size and weight. Mary’s body is concealed with Christ’s body in her arms. Nevertheless, the statue is magnificent, and other artists commend it for the outstanding manifestation of creativity (Ragionieri, 2008). According to Giorgio Vasari, the sculpture will remain as the best despite other artists’ innovations. Michelangelo employs the harmony principle to outline the homogeneity of the sculpture throughout the work. A painting refers to the technique of art that incorporate the application of paint on other surfaces either in an image or as a beautification. Paintings have meanings

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How to save a failing law firm Speech or Presentation

How to save a failing law firm - Speech or Presentation Example To be specific, the administration develops the rules and regulations required to govern all aspects of the company. Therefore, the administration should exercise innovation, in order to provide the company with guidelines that would shape the destiny of the firm in the long term perspective. On the other hand, management takes the established rules and regulations and implements them using the available resources in the firm. The management goals are usually in the short term. The available resources in a firm refer to the factors of production such as capital, labour, and skills. These two responsibilities are very important in running any firm as they define the future position of a company. For this reason, leaders and managers require to possess vast knowledge and skills for any meaningful success in a company. Knight and Day Company is in the verge of collapsing. Hence, there is the need to integrate leadership and management skill so as to revive the economy of this firm, and save it from losing its credibility. A number of critical issues threaten Knight and Day Company in its leadership and management. There are several challenges that these two dockets need to address immediately in order to save the existing situation. One of the potential challenges in this firm is the labour resource. There is evidence of poor management and utilization of the labour force in this firm. To begin with, there is evidence of unskilled labour resource.In any given company, lack of skilled labour force is one of the major drawbacks in the labour resource. Unskilled labour brings out low productivity in the farm. Labour is one of the most significant and scarce resource in any company. Therefore, it is the duty of the management to oversee hiring of skilled labour to ensure that tapped labour resource can be harnessed effectively. This will provide optimum profits for the firm. In addition, there is evidence of loss of the already existing labour facility as the workers quit their jobs and take up alternatives out of this company.This is a major problem that can lead to failure of a company. This is because when the firm loses its laborer, it takes time to replace it through the recruitment process. This contributes to a large extent to the losses in a firm. The problem of labour resource management might require more allocation of resources such as time and money. In the process of reformation, there is the need to reform the labour resource through a recruitment process in order to have the required skilled labour. The recruitment process involves advertisement, interviews and even orientation of new employees. All these activities require financial support to implement. Moreover, skilled manpower requires that the salaries are moderated, and more specifically raised in order to avoid the massive departures of the employees from the firm. In addition, the whole process would require that the management sit in various sessions in order to provide a new set of development policies that would be used to regulate the labour force. This will require abundant time and also the use of money Another factor threatening the success of this firm is the poor co-ordination of the various departments and branches. For instance, the Los Angeles office operates autonomously from the rest of the offices in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Power and Empowerment in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Power and Empowerment in Nursing - Essay Example This article discusses the use of poststructuralism to explore power and empowerment in nursing drawing on the three theoretical approaches namely critical social theory, organizational theory, and social psychological theory. I used the disciplinary power of hierarchical observation to reflect upon my experiences so as to better self-manage my routine and behavior in nursing. I used the power of normalizing judgment to improve my academic and career growth profile. I established goals for myself and strived to achieve them, thus getting ahead in my career. I used the examination form of disciplinary power to document my achievements and failures as I studied Nursing. This not only helped me keep a gaze at my performance, but also gauge how far I was from my goals. A type of popular knowledge that can facilitate empowerment in nursing is the inclusion of nurses in decision-making. Nurses need to realize the power of their role in healthcare. Many nurses disqualify their knowledge obsessed with the impression that they are inferior to the doctors. Being the closest to the patient in caregiving, nurses are valuable resources that should be consulted for making important decisions regarding operations and patients’ health in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Globalisation: Japan And Chinas Economy

Globalisation: Japan And Chinas Economy Globalisation is currently happening rapidly around the world, aiming to bring different ideologies and infrastructures from various countries and join them together and turn it to be worldwide interconnected. According to The United Nations ESCWA, globalisation is actually not a new phenomenon since it has already emerged in nineteenth century, but it started spreading bit by bit from the World War I until the third quarter of twentieth century and it has been defined in many certain ways such as economic field and social field. Globalisation can be defined as entrenched and enduring patterns of worldwide interconnectedness on physical, normative and symbolic ranges, causing distant happenings and developments and it may bring serious local impact towards affected countries. The original idea of globalisation is not trying to bring the new principles, materials or infrastructures to replace or take over the old one, just embed within more expansive sets of networks and interregional relations power (Held D. McGrew A. 2003, P.3). Today, the world has been slightly changed by globalisation, and it may keep changing in the future, many countries have benefit from globalisation, but also fall victim to it, therefore it is valuable to explain the effect brought by globalisation with the examples of China and Japan. China is actually one of the countries that fall victim to the globalisation, the major issue is unequal distribution of wealth which caused by local inflation, and numbers of other negative effect such as environmental pollution, and family member staying apart in the nation. China is the country that having the largest population size in the world, there are more then eight hundred labour force out of thirteen hundred million total population size currently in the country, ranking number one in labour force in the globe according to the Central Intelligence Agency World Factbook. It is an undeniable fact that China nowadays is the world factory, many international firms are likely to manufacture and produce various variety of goods such as toys, clothes, computers, and vehiclesà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ parts, but also perform different kinds of outsourcing in China, due its largest number of factory workers, good quality of the products and the low wages of factory worker. Outsource is various business processes in order to achieve a huge variety of business objectives ranging from decrease of cost to invention and business alteration(Mani D., et al, 2010); However, these factory workers not only working with low salary, but also have to work long hours and having no government welfare. The Chinese Government did not increase the lowest wages standard and trying to retain it instead even inflation has happened in the region in order to keep and gain more foreign companies produce goods and perform outsourcing in China. The inflation appeared because foreign investment increased in China therefore lead to a boom in the economy which causing local inflation. Meanwhile, the other simultaneous occurrences of workers earning retained low salary and working with no welfare, they have to spend more money for living because most of the goods in society have increased in price; by the time the economy has increased by more foreign investment, more workers are tend to work within these sort of careers, however, the number of jobs did not increase as the amount of workers increased, therefore more workers may be unemployed or underemployed (Kwong Leung T. Chack Kie W. 2003, P.16). Nevertheless, owners of local companies have earned more profits due to more foreign investment has been made in the country, but these owners did not provide higher salary to the workers while companysà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ profit increased. It is causing a current social problem in China that the rich gets richer, and the poor gets poorer, consequently engendered the issue of unequal wealth distribution as a result of globalisation. Secondly, increase in environmental pollution will be caused as a result of the increase in production in China. According to the World Health Organisation report in 2007, there were six hundred and fifty six thousand Chinese citizens killed by indoor and outdoor air pollution and another ninety five thousand and six hundred were killed by consuming polluted water. Variety of a large amount of chemicals and may be even toxic materials is possible to be discharged into the air, water and soil during the production process, acid rain is one of a very common effect due to these problems; meanwhile, after one manufacturing is finished, the discarded after-manufacture raw materials turned to be useless and majority of them will be piled up and place at a landfill, releasing detrimental substances and this is harmful to the local environment. It is able to be believed that this is another reason of China falls victim into globalisation. Thirdly, majority of factory workers came from different areas in China initiate the family crisis. Numbers of these workers were even moved from rural areas within the nations and working far away from home, this part of workers are willing and likely to work even earning low wages in the factory. Nonetheless, they still chose working there because comparatively the amount of money they earn as working in the factory is a lot more then the sum of they earn at home place and so from rural areas. It is possible for them to make the earnings to afford normal live in city, and even send money back home, therefore many workers like to work in a factory even with low wages. It is possible to say that this is another reason of China fall victim to globalization due to the family problem, and it is able to be widely believed that the given reasons and examples are capable to explain why China is one of a victim in consequence of globalisation. Japan is one of a country that can be said as benefiting during the globalisation process according to its exports of goods, services and technology toward many other countries around the globe and its culture and language exchange with the other countries. Base on the Central Intelligence Agency World Factbook, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Japan has stop rising rapidly until 2007 and start increasing less from 2008, and even more in 2009 as well. However, Japan is still the second largest economy around the globe, just behind the United States of America (International Monetary Fund Report, 2005). Japan has a huge amount of export with its vehicles, electric equipments, technologies. This is a fact that all these goods from Japan are currently using by different individuals in different countries. Japan has a very large quantity of export with the local products of vehicles and electronic devices. There are many famous vehicles manufacturing company has export products to the other countries, for instance, United States of America, India, Australia, China, Indonesia and some other nations; for electronic devices, for examples, computers, laptops, cameras, printers, mobile phones and various of other sort of electronic devices are extremely well-known around the world. The brands of these goods are very familiar in daily life, such as Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Honda, Sony, DoCoMo, Canon, Panasonic, Sharp. These are very common brands of motor vehicles and electronic tools. Japan is one of a member of G8 and it is the only single country which joined the group within Asia. Meanwhile, Japan is also one of a member of World Trade Organisatio, can be also called as WTO (Central Intelligence Agency World FactBook, 2010). This is showing that Japan is capable to trade with other nations and states. Hence, in the course of large amount of exporting goods such as motor vehicles and electronic devices, this raise up the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Japan most of the time and make Japan to be the second largest economy in the world for a long time. Japanese culture is another issue that is valuable to be mentioned. There are many different kinds of Japanese culture have keep spreading all over the world. For instance, gourmet culture, music culture, and some other sort of popular culture such as cartoons and anime have been spread around the world; For gourmet culture, it can be said without questions that sushi can be easily seen in the majority of developed countries, this lead to a Japanese food culture bring into the other places and increase the reputation; for music culture, a lot of music style and different types of genre of Japanese music are very music have been bought into the other nations especially Asia, hence, the musical manner imported towards other places and so increase to CDs sales in foreign market; for the popular culture such as cartoons and anime, some well known cartoons and anime are not only broadcasting in local Japan, but also broadcast in many other countries such as Asia countries, and a big amoun t of these cartoons and anime are selling in the other foreign nations as well. These is able to proof that Japanese popular culture have been spread and bought into the other places, and simultaneously increase the popularity and reputation about Japanese culture therefore raise up Japan local economy due to the demand of Japanese goods which are related to its culture have increased. For example, more Japanese chiefs and local Japanese raw materials for gourmet field are demanding more and more in other nations; Japanese music get into foreign markets therefore the export of Japanese music CDs can sell are at higher price because the demand enlarged; for culture of cartoons and anime, it is probably the same occurrence of music CDs, also the level of popularity and reputation increased, so increase its sales thus higher the demand and lastly improve the Japan economy. Nevertheless, other than the economical benefit in the globalisation, the introduction of mentioned different types of culture importing to other states, widened the areas that adopted Japanese c ulture and civilisations, so Japan has also benefited from globalisation in this area as well. Lastly, according to various categories of Japan exported goods has imported to other nations, the reputation of Japanese culture improved within the other nations, therefore, individuals in other countries getting more interested in Japan culture and so does Japan, too. Because of that, more tourists are likely and feel interested travelling to Japan, for this reason, the tourism level in Japan increase and bring up the economy with the expenses from the tourists and earnings from tourism; Consequently, it is possible to say that Japan has benefit from globalisation in the economic and cultural area since large amount of exports of goods and culture. In conclusion, globalisation is able to be said as happening in a fast pace around the world, it is advantageous to some countries, however it is disadvantageous to some of the others. For example, China is being disadvantaged as the result of regional inflation, and plenty of additional effects have been brought, for instance, polluting the environment, and causing some family members aloof from the families. These points are able to proof that China has fall victim from globalisation. On the other hand, Japan can be said as one of a country that being benefited due to globalisation with the reasons of great amount of export, such as motor vehicles, electronic instruments, and so do different sort of cultures including eating culture, musical culture and the cartoons and anime culture, and also increase in tourism, these caused an increase of Japan economy, so it could be believed that Japan is benefited from globalisation. Globalisation is aiming to develop society and bring the pr os together and share it to the whole world even though some cons might be brought to particular nations, but it is still a positive incidence to the community.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

alcohol Essay -- essays research papers

Alcoholism, chronic and usually progressive illness involving the excessive inappropriate ingestion of ethyl alcohol, whether in the form of familiar alcoholic beverages or as a constituent of other substances. Alcoholism is thought to arise from a combination of a wide range of physiological, psychological, social, and genetic factors. It is characterized by an emotional and often physical dependence on alcohol, and it frequently leads to brain damage or early death. Some 10 percent of the adult drinkers in the United States are considered alcoholics or at least they experience drinking problems to some degree. More males than females are affected, but drinking among the young and among women is increasing. Consumption of alcohol is apparently on the rise in the United States, countries of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and many European nations. This is paralleled by growing evidence of increasing numbers of alcohol-related problems in other nations, including the Third World. Development Alcoholism, as opposed to merely excessive or irresponsible drinking, has been variously thought of as a symptom of psychological or social stress or as a learned, maladaptive coping behavior. More recently, and probably more accurately, it has come to be viewed as a complex disease entity in its own right. Alcoholism usually develops over a period of years. Early and subtle symptoms include placing excessive importance on the availability of alcohol. Ensuring this avai...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Professions for Women Essay

1. According to Virginia Woolf, what are two main obstacles to women’s professional identity? Are these still the two main obstacles, or does the contemporary women face different hurdles? Explain. The two main obstacles to women’s professional identify is the expectations of society and the expectations she has for herself. These obstacles still exist today but to a certain degree. In 1930 society’s expectation for women was to stay home to cook and clean, now women are still seen to do this but are also seen to have a job. Women also give themselves high expectations for many things as they did in the 1930’s. 2. What is the Origin of the â€Å"Angel in the House† (para. 3)? Consult the Language of Composition Web site for background information: .Why is this an appropriate or effective frame of reference for Woolf? The origin of the â€Å"Angel in the House† came from a poem written in the 1900’s about self sacrificing heroine which represents the ideal Victorian women; a woman who was sympathetic, very charming, and unselfish. Including the â€Å"Angel in the House† is appropriate because she talks about killing this phantom which meant she was free to express herself, which inspired many women. 3. What do you think Woolf means in paragraph 5 when she asserts that â€Å"a novelist’s chief desire is to be as unconscious as possible†? Do you agree that someone who writes fiction should be â€Å"unconscious†? Why do you think a novelist would want to be â€Å"unconscious† or would benefit from being â€Å"unconscious†? I think what Woolf means by â€Å"a novelist’s chief desire is to be unconscious as possible† (paragraph 5). Is that when a writer begins to write they disappear into their own words and continue to write without stopping. I agree that someone who writes fiction should be â€Å"unconscious† because it helps them describe the character they are portraying better. 4. In paragraph 5 and 6, Woolf explores the consequences of being unable to tell â€Å"the truth† about her own â€Å"experiences as a body.† What does she mean† Why does she believe that surmounting this obstacle is more difficult – perhaps impossible at the time she was writing – that â€Å"killing the Angel in the House†? Woolf means that women still have to hide behind lies, like a fake  name, to have a book published. She believes the surmounting this obstacle is more difficult because women were not seen as equals in the 1930’s they were more seen as property of the husband or father.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Overview Of Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction A variety of terms are used - sometimes interchangeably - to talk about corporate social responsibility (CSR): business ethics, corporate citizenship, corporate accountability, sustainability. BSR defines corporate social responsibility as â€Å"achieving commercial success in ways that honor ethical values and respect people, communities, and the natural environment.† We also say that CSR means addressing the legal, ethical, commercial and other expectations society has for business, and making decisions that fairly balance the claims of all key stakeholders. In its simplest terms it is: â€Å"what you do, how you do it, and when and what you say.† In this sense, CSR is viewed as a comprehensive set of policies, practices and programs that are integrated into business operations, supply chains, and decision-making processes throughout the company - wherever the company does business - and includes responsibility for current and past actions as well as future impacts. The issues that represent a company’s CSR focus vary by business, by size, by sector and even by geographic region. In its broadest categories, CSR typically includes issues related to: business ethics, community investment, environment, governance, human rights, marketplace and workplace. (See other BSR reports on each of these topics). The field of corporate social responsibility has grown exponentially in the last decade. More companies than ever before are engaged in serious efforts to define and integrate CSR into all aspects of their business, with their experiences being bolstered by a growing body of evidence that CSR has a positive impact on business economic performance. New voluntary CSR standards and performance measurement tools continue to proliferate amidst the ongoing debate about whether and how to formalize legal CSR requirements for companies. Stakeholders - including shareholders, analysts, regulators, activists, labor unions, empl... Free Essays on Overview Of Corporate Social Responsibility Free Essays on Overview Of Corporate Social Responsibility Introduction A variety of terms are used - sometimes interchangeably - to talk about corporate social responsibility (CSR): business ethics, corporate citizenship, corporate accountability, sustainability. BSR defines corporate social responsibility as â€Å"achieving commercial success in ways that honor ethical values and respect people, communities, and the natural environment.† We also say that CSR means addressing the legal, ethical, commercial and other expectations society has for business, and making decisions that fairly balance the claims of all key stakeholders. In its simplest terms it is: â€Å"what you do, how you do it, and when and what you say.† In this sense, CSR is viewed as a comprehensive set of policies, practices and programs that are integrated into business operations, supply chains, and decision-making processes throughout the company - wherever the company does business - and includes responsibility for current and past actions as well as future impacts. The issues that represent a company’s CSR focus vary by business, by size, by sector and even by geographic region. In its broadest categories, CSR typically includes issues related to: business ethics, community investment, environment, governance, human rights, marketplace and workplace. (See other BSR reports on each of these topics). The field of corporate social responsibility has grown exponentially in the last decade. More companies than ever before are engaged in serious efforts to define and integrate CSR into all aspects of their business, with their experiences being bolstered by a growing body of evidence that CSR has a positive impact on business economic performance. New voluntary CSR standards and performance measurement tools continue to proliferate amidst the ongoing debate about whether and how to formalize legal CSR requirements for companies. Stakeholders - including shareholders, analysts, regulators, activists, labor unions, empl...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Corporate Governance and Country Governance

Corporate Governance and Country Governance The four common elements of corporate governance and country governance are â€Å"fairness, accountability, transparency and responsibility† (Boyd and Stephen 5; Fernando 45). Fairness refers to equitable treatment and protection against misappropriation of assets.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Corporate Governance and Country Governance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Accountability refers to effective monitoring of the board and accountability of the board to the company and shareholders. Transparency refers to the timely and accurate disclosure on finances, performance and ownership. Lastly, responsibility refers to ethical behaviors and complying with national laws. Specific elements of corporate governance include â€Å"equity holders, markets (capital markets and product market), debt providers (public debt and private debt), employees, business practices, legal system and public opinionâ₠¬  (Boyd and Stephen 5). On the other hand, specific elements of country governance include â€Å"political stability, voice and accountability, government effectiveness, absence of violence, control of corruption, regulatory quality and rule of law† (DjiteÃŒ  205). Indicators of Country governance include â€Å"Democracy Index (DI), Corruption Perception Index (CPI), Global corruption Barometer (GCB) and Bribe Payer’s Index (BPI)† (HaÃŒ k et al. 377). The use of DI is based on the assumption that public participation in the political practices may control government corruption. On the other hand, the CPI is a survey of surveys, mirroring the views of investors, scholars and risk analysts, both citizens and foreigners. First established in 1995, the CPI builds on seventeen studies from thirteen sovereign bodies. The CPI is a result of systematic survey of polls offered to Transparency International between 2001 and 2003 (HaÃŒ k et al. 377). While the CPI aim s at evaluating heights of corruption among countries, the Global corruption Barometer (GCB) focuses on positions of the public concerning these heights of corruption (HaÃŒ k et al. 377). The GCB interviews respondents on the effects of corruption on their private and family life.Advertising Looking for research paper on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Respondents from developing countries may be able to live with high heights of corruption, while respondents in developed countries cannot tolerate even low levels of corruption. The BPI complements the GCB and CPI, since it deals with the tendency of corporations from top exporting nations to bribe in developing markets (HaÃŒ k et al. 377). Similarly, indicators of corporate governance include ownership concentration, equity share and value of shares traded. Ownership concentration as an indicator allows comparison of states in relation to the ownership arrangement of their corporate sectors. High levels of ownership concentration denote that block holders control corporations. Conversely, low levels of ownership denote that block holders are minor economic factors. Equity share implies that there is more inclination towards external minority shareholders. Conversely, a high proportion of equity in GDP denotes that corporations have been successful in orienting their governance to the needs of outsider capital and minority stakeholders. The value of shares traded is defined as â€Å"the total value of shares traded on national stock divided by GDP† (DjiteÃŒ  77). Normally, this data progression acts as an indicator of the activity of equity markets. It shows the level at which the tenure of listed companies shifts between different equity market players, but not the general value of ownership stakes. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is not the only law that deals with corporate governance since we also have company laws, securities r egulation, accounting and auditing standards, insolvency law, labor law and tax law. All these laws protect investors from corporate inefficiencies, malfeasances and misleading financial information. Good governance is essential both at corporate level, and at national level. Countries should come up with more policies and exercise reforms that support good governance at all levels. Policy objectives should focus on reducing the reliance of corporations on bank financing. Banks should refrain from loaning projects, which are appropriate just for venture capital, with reference to risk-return profile.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Corporate Governance and Country Governance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Equally, open restrictions should be applied on bank borrowing by corporations. Such a condensed association between lenders and borrowers forms a central objective of prudential banking laws. Nonetheles s, reinforcement is required, if the general reliance of corporate borrowers and bank lenders is to reduce. Apparently, such a condensed association is only feasible if substitute-financing sources (a more buoyant capital market) are accessible. Debt-equity-ratio should be fixed at a definite multiple, for example at two. Limit must as well be applied on bank debt as a multiple of equity, or as a proportion of total debt. What requires close supervision is not the association between a corporation and all banks, but the relation with entity banks. The share of an individual borrower in overall bank loaning may also be limited. Surpassing this limit should be restricted on public listing. Large-scale bank borrowing should be left to borrowers who conform to the standards and regulations of good corporate governance. On their part, banks should liberate themselves from the control by majority shareholders holders. Commercial banks should all ensure that they are public listed in the s tock market. Banks that may face limitation due to size should combine with larger banks. A limit should be fixed on the number of shares that an individual entity can hold (for example, twelve percent). Boyd, Gavin, and Stephen Cohen. Corporate Governance and Globalization: Long Range Planning Issues, Washington, DC: Elgar, 2000. Print. DjiteÃŒ , Paulin. The Language Difference: Language and Development in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region, Bristol, U.K: Multilingual Matters, 2011. Print. Fernando, Arthur. Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices, New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2009. Print.Advertising Looking for research paper on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More HaÃŒ k, TomasÃŒÅ', BedrÃŒÅ'ich Moldan and Arthur Dahl. Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment, Washington, DC: Island Press, 2007. Print.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Education Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal Philosophy of Education - Coursework Example Specific philosophies I plan to incorporate into the classroom include life lessons, as well as Native North American, Western and Eastern philosophies. These specific philosophies will allow me to instruct my students with a form of learning that is based off of actual events that produce positive outcomes. Student will be able to see and understand how specific actions produce specific goals. When a student works hard, they will gain knowledge which will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Students will also be able to see how negative choices have negative effects. A constructivist approach to instruction allows for me to be able to instruct students with the best instruction I can provide. I personally believe that this teaching philosophy reflects my personality and contribute greatly to my own classroom management style. A behaviorist approach will not totally be ignored, but a constructivist approach is definitely favored. Each will contribute to my own personal philo sophy towards education.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Articles of Confederation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Articles of Confederation - Essay Example Constitution was written in 1787, ratified the next year, and George Washington assumed its presidency one year after that. (Bush Defends Rate of Progress in Iraq, p. A03) However, it is also believed that the cause for the alterations was widespread mistrust of the fundamental authority and jealousy of some states involved in this issue. Unfortunately, these were some reasons which resulted the emasculation of the articles of confederation. When the 13 original American colonies met in 1774 to ratify the Articles of Confederation - the first draft of the US Constitution - smaller states were frightened of domination by larger states and every state was frightened of losing its independence. (United State of Confusion p. 8). Moreover, Strang also believes that "the Articles established a "confederacy" and "firm league of friendship" of "free [] and independent[t]" states. It purported to create a "perpetual Union" between the same". (Strang, P. 909) In fact, when ratified the articles of confederation the articles declared solemnly that each of thirteen states would enjoy freedom, independence and sovereignty. Soon after the ratification of articles of confederation each thirteen states enjoyed equal rights and privileges, freedom of movement, and most importantly the articles of confederation clearly outlined the trials of criminals accused. ... Nonetheless, in this regard, neither separate judicial branches nor executives were provided for. According to Golove D the articles of confederation, though in some few respects national, were mainly of a pure federative character and were treated as stipulations between states.( Golove, p.1697) As a matter of fact, congress was the only authority that had major obligations such as declaring war or peach, maintaining or rotating foreign relations with other nations, army and navy command, foreign disputes regarding boundaries, conducting and settling postal services and so forth. Nevertheless, some aforesaid obligations were shared among states and in one way or another in this respect congress was the alone authority who was dependent upon cooperation of the states for carrying out any of them. "Four visible weaknesses of the articles, apart from those of organization, made it impossible for Congress to execute its constitutional duties. These were analyzed in numbers 15-22 of The FEDERALIST, the political essays in which Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay argued the case for the U.S. CONSTITUTION of 1787". ( Golove, p.1697) In this regard, the very first weakness of the articles was that according to it the congress could not legislate for individual peoples; however, it could legislate only for state, consequently, congress could not enforce legislation. Secondly, congress under this article could evaluate its expenses and can distribute those among the states, and it was calculated on behalf of land's value, but congress had no right and power on taxes. In order to raise the money for these expenses and turn the proceeds over to congress, States had rights and powers to mark tax their

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Dead Christ with Angels Painting by Rosso Fiorentino Essay

The Dead Christ with Angels Painting by Rosso Fiorentino - Essay Example In the painting, Christ has been shown in nude along with other angels who are smaller in size than him and have been clothed. The play with proportions and the use of brilliant colors in combination with light and shadow shows that the painter is a follower of the Florentine mannerist school of painting. In this painting, the artist had made a deviation from his regular style of painting. This style consisted of sharp edges in painting along with the use of bright and complementary colors and with the delicate use of their changing effects. The body of Christ depicted in the painting, draws many influences from the works of Michelangelo. The physical features seem to be derived from his works like the sculpture of pieta and the 'Risen Christ' in the church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva. Also, the posture of Christ sitting on the unidentifiable support resembles the postures of the ignudi on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel. With the influence of Parmigianino, Rosso added elegance and sophistication to his work as compared to his earlier works and this is expressed in this work. Christ, which is the central figure in the painting, is shown slightly larger than the angles; this might be an attempt to show the divinity and the largeness of his character.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Underlying Meanings of Superstitions Essay Example for Free

Underlying Meanings of Superstitions Essay Superstition is thought to be a belief that does not have clear scientific or reasonable evidence to support it. But some superstitions were taught from parents to children orally for a long time. Many superstitions have underlying meanings that contain useful knowledge, so they may be worth telling. One famous Japanese superstition is related to lightning. â€Å"The god of lightning likes humans’ navel, so when you hear thunder, hide your navel in case he steals it.† No one, except some children, believes that literally. Then is it just a silly expression? No, it’s not. I think it is formed for a lazy child who sleeps with their stomach naked. When it thunders, it often starts to rain, and the temperature goes down, so such a child is likely to catch a cold. That is, this phrase teaches lazy children to sleep with their shirt on in case they catch a cold. Another common superstition is â€Å"When removing belly button lint, you will have a stomachache.† This teaches about the stomach. Some studies show that the superstition is wrong, and the black grain is just dirt. It may be told so that children won’t scratch their navel violently. There is little muscle or fat around navel and important organs such as the bowels are just next to thin skin. If a child scratched it violently, a little injury would occur, and various kinds of minor germs would enter their body through the injury. As a result, they would suffer from a stomachache. The superstition may be told to prevent these problems. Finally, the last superstition is a little dirty, but also worthwhile. â€Å"Don’t urinate to earthworm, or your reproductive organ will puff.† I used to urinate on the street; however, I never experienced that my manly symbol puffed. It is also superstition that contains underlying meanings. The purpose of this superstition may be to advise against urinating on the street, because it may cause infection of the various kinds of minor germs, or humans have to express gratitude to earthworm, which gives nutrition to fields. In conclusion, there are a lot of superstitions in the world, but it is wrong to judge them as silly expressions just because they don’t have a clear scientific or reasonable basis. However, they often contain important underlying lessons. They are worthwhile to be taken over to next generation.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Some Things Just Really Make Me Angry :: Education Educational Essays

Some Things Just Really Make Me Angry I was reading Chapter 2, "It's all in the sign!", of Danesi's Messages and Meanings when I ran into a passage that, to put it politely, just really made me angry. Angry because my interpretation of this passage brought back a lot of memories of events that I have had to deal with in my educational "career". There were two sentences, in particular, that really ticked me off. The first was: If a drawing instrument is put in the child's hand, that child will almost instinctively use it to draw--a "skill" that no one has imparted or transmitted to the child. The second was: The child must be exposed to language in order for him or her to acquire it; that same child does not, however, need to be exposed to visual art in order for him or her to draw. These two seemingly innocent statements (that can be found on page 27 and which I have taken out of context) undermine everything that I hold dear. There is a huge assumption in the first sentence that drawing, as a "skill", is innately obtained, especially when "no one has imparted or transmitted to the child". Your naturally talented! Your daughter has so much talent! I wish I had your talent! Your so creative! Well, creative people are like that. I wish I could be as creative as you are! You're the artist of the group/class/school/etc...! Think of something creative/original/new! As I see it, these comments are not compliments of my ability to create visual images but at my "gift", my "talent". Hard work, practice, trial and error, learning the rules, processes, techniques or simple tricks..none of these are examined. The artistic process, to many, remains this mystical and quite godly transformation of something out of nothing and those with this gift of transformation are artistic. What it tells me as a teacher of the arts is this, that I am wasting my time trying to teach everyone, for there are only a talented few (please read the last sentence sarcastically). There is another point of contention that I have with the first statement. What I have taken out of context is the comparison that Danesi makes between language acquisition and drawing skill development. O.K. Danesi states that a child picks up a crayon (drawing instrument) and uses it to scribble naturally and spontaneously, without anyone imparting this knowledge to the child.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Crime Data Comparison Paper Essay

The two metropolitan areas I have decided to do my research paper on are Cincinnati, Ohio and Dallas, Texas. I choose Cincinnati because it is one of the bigger cities where I live. I choose Dallas because there seems to be a big difference in crime rates compared to Cincinnati. In this paper I will be comparing the burglary rate between these two cities. I will identify the number of burglaries reported to the police in each area and also explain which area had more reported burglaries as well as what were the rates of the crimes in each area. I will also explain whether the rates have changed at all and look into what factors that might be involved that might explain the difference in the burglary rates. Looking at the research, Cincinnati, Ohio had a rate of 6,287 burglaries that were reported to police in 2009 (Crime in the United States, 2009). Dallas, Texas on the other hand had 19,428 burglaries in that same year. The rate of crime given for Cincinnati in 2009 was 375.1 occurrences per 10,000 persons (Crime in the United States, 2009). Dallas by comparison had a crime rate of 1505.7 occurrences per 100,000 people. According to the crime statistics, crime in Dallas, Texas is down 6.4 percent from 2008 and Cincinnati has one of the highest crime rates in the country compared to all communities of all sizes. Ones chance of becoming a victim of property crime is one in twelve. (NeighborhoodScout, 2012). There are many factors that could explain the differences in the crime rates between these two cities. One factor could be the difference in population. The population in Cincinnati is 296,943 within the city limits according to the 2010 census. (Crime in the United States, 2009) whereas in Dallas, Texas the population is 1,197,816 according to 2010 censes. When you look at the numbers the more people living in an area the higher the crime rate will be. There are also other factors that could explain the big differences between these cities. The ethnic and racial makeup of the people living there and their educational levels could be a big difference. To really explain the increase or decline in both these cities is difficult because the two areas that I choose are so very different in population is really the biggest difference. In conclusion, in comparing both these big cities Cincinnati is showing an increase in the number of burglaries and almost every other crime as for Dallas, the crime rate there is down 6.4 percent. With the population in Dallas being 1,197,816 and Cincinnati’s population being 296,943 people would think that Dallas would be a city full of crime but Cincinnati is far worse. According to NeighborhoodScout . com, on a scale of 100 to 1(100 is the safest) Cincinnati rates just a two. This scale shows that Cincinnati is just safer then two percent of the cities in the United States of America. There are many factors that could explain why Cincinnati has one of the fasting growing crime rates in the nation. One could be the economy where there is nine percent unemployment in the city alone. Another factor could be the racial and ethnic makeup of the city. Looking at the Dallas, Texas crime rates, it rates a six in the crime index ( This means that Dallas, Texas is safer than six percent of the cities in the United States. In Dallas there were 8,341 violent crimes and 63,022 property crimes compared to Cincinnati’s 3,087 violent crimes and 20,911 property crimes. Looking at how big Dallas is compared to Cincinnati you would think that there would be more crimes per 1,000 residents but it is not even close. In Cincinnati there are 10.42 crimes per 1,000 residents compared to Dallas’s 6.82 annual crimes per 1,000 residents. When you compare Cincinnati with Dallas, the crime index, population, and the crime rates going up or down, Dallas to me would be the safer of the two cities to live in. References Crime in the United States of America. (2009). February, 2012 Neighborhood Scout. (2012) http:/ http:/

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Managing Growth Essay

Sunflower Nutraceuticals (SNC) operates on a very tight cash flow. The past has not been had resources to stay above the water. SNC has been looking at some new projects and for the past nine years the projects and their impact on SNC’s financial impact has been tracked. In the first phase of these new projects two were applied to SNC. Acquiring a New Customer Atlantic Wellness was acquired as a new customer. Sales were increased significantly which in return also increased accounts receivable and inventory balances. This was a good decisions because as sales increase so does income. Additional accounts receivable and inventory can cause more overhead but can always be controlled. Leveraging Supplier Discounts With a new customer top-line growth was achieved. With the added expenses of more accounts receivable and inventory needs the cash flow for these three years was drained. It was however, offset by an added increase in EBIT due to favorable contracts. For the next three years two more projects were acquired. After the rapid increase in top-line growth and the increases it showed, SNC decided to pursue a new project that put SNC’s products into Mega-Mart Inc. retail. This once again increased top-line growth which drives sales higher, it consistently strained the EBIT. Developing a Private Label Since retail has immersed for SNC a private label seemed logical to stand out for consumers. Starting the branding process for SNC. The sale of the private label drove EBIT up again balancing out the next three years. The final three years and the final projects were critical. Since one project after another has off-set each other there is still a need to increase SNC’s cash flow and sales. High-Risk Customer Acquiring a high risk customer was a decision made with careful consideration. Since EBIT and net income were stable, sales was the next thing that needed to increase. Taking on Midwest Miracles increased the sales volume but the impact on the accounts receivables were large. Now there is talk in the business circle that Midwest Miracles is looking to file chapter 11 bankruptcy. This now leaves SNC with the option of possibly writing off a portion of the accounts receivable that has not been collected. Decisions The projects that were adapted by SNC showed that the financial resources can be forecasted and balanced with the right amount of research. Along with the increases and stabilizations SNC’s available credit line that was negative in 2012 when the financial restructure projects started remained steady through 2021. The total current assets also increased each year proving to SNC’s shareholders that a rapid increase in the value of the company has happened. Working Capital Effects â€Å"In business accounting, working capital is a benchmark measure of your company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations. It’s calculated by taking your business’ current assets and subtracting its current liabilities. Current assets are those that can or will be converted to cash in the next year. The major current assets are cash, accounts receivable and inventory. Current liabilities are obligations that must be fulfilled within the next year. For a typical company, the major current liabilities are accounts payable, accrued liabilities (such as wages earned by workers but not yet paid, or rent expenses incurred but not paid), and debt payments† (Chron, 2012). SNC’s total liabilities were up after the nine years of projects. Reference The Effect of Revenue Increase on Working Capital. (2014). Retrieved from