Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Pros And Disadvantages Of Minorities In Society

Minorities are usually at a disadvantage when it comes to society whether it be their race, gender or social class, minorities aren’t usually in favor and are voices even minimal, but when a minority stands up and uses their voice it can resonate other minorities to help create change. It’s difficult for minorities to voice out against the discrimination they face, especially since that the state they live in is the only segregated left that appeals widely to the white community. Moreover, when minorities do try to protest against the discrimination and segregation in their community they are people who try to end and silence these protest, much like in Hidden Figures where dozens of African American men and women protest about segregation†¦show more content†¦Little does Al know, Katherine too, is fed up, â€Å"There’s no bathroom here. There are no COLORED bathrooms in this building or ANY building outside the West Campus. Which is half a mile away! Did you know that? I have to walk to Timbuktu just to relieve myself! And I can’t take one of the handy bikes. Picture that, with my uniform: skirt below the knees and my heels. And don’t get me started about the â€Å"simple pearl necklace† I can’t afford. Lord knows you don’t pay â€Å"the coloreds enough for that. And I work like a dog day and night, living on coffee from a coffee pot half of you don’t want me to touch! So excuse me if I have to go to the restroom a few times a day!† this outburst opens Al’s perspective of the struggles that Katherine has to face as a minority compared to what he was to face as a majority, as demonstrated by his actions. The next scene we see is Al break down the colored bathroom sign, â€Å"There you have it! No more colored restrooms. No more white restrooms. Just plain old toilets.† This scene shows how slowly the segregation that occurs in NASA is slowly fading and progressing wh ich help find their voices to help speed up the process, all thanks to one voice who chose to speak up and how minorities can help change the perspective of the majority. Now when we compare this evidence to Twelve Angry Men we are able to see the difference between theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Against Bilingual Education752 Words   |  4 Pagesyoung children might be taught to read in their native language of Spanish; they are transitioned to English-only instruction when their English is proficient enough to ensure success.† ( Since 1960, there was a controversy in the public school to have bilingual education. 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