Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Developing Theory for Organizational Practice

Question: Discuss about theDeveloping Theory for Organizational Practice. Answer: Introduction The current report revolves around the organizational behavior. The organizational behavior is one of the significant aspects affecting the business. The organizational behavior could highly affect the organizational performance. As mentioned by Hogg and Terry (2014), organizational behavior can also be considered as the social system; thus, it is important to figure out how the elements of organizational behavior work. It is also been identified that organizational behavior is a particular field of study, which examines the influence that individuals, group and the structure of the firm have on a behavior in the organization (DiPaola, Tschannen-Moran, 2014). It is also a set of knowledge that can be applied to identify how individuals or the entire structure acts within the company. Thus, it can be mentioned that effective organizational behavior lead to the growth and success. Many studied have been performed on organizational behavior to understand how effectively elements of organizational behavior can be applied to gain success. However, hardly any research highlights the significant aspects of organizational behavior that affect the organizational performance. The aim of report is to understand the aspects involved in organizational behavior and their appropriate application. The report provides an insight about how effective organizational behavior is required to gain success. Therefore, in order to understand the aspects of organizational behavior and its implementation, the current report considers organizational environment of XYZ consultant. The case study indicates that XYZ is a medium size organization, which offers the management training as well as the leadership development services in Malaysia. Applying employee engagement theory to find out and discuss the motivational elements existing in old environment of XYZ consultant Need satisfying approach of Kahn Among many influential studies of engagement, most influential employee-satisfying approach developed by Kahn (1990) provides an insight about how the employee performance can be influenced by satisfying the needs of the employees. According to the principles mentioned Kahns model three different aspects such as meaningfulness, safety and the availability significantly associated with engagement (Strom, Sears Kelly, 2014). The model provides the idea that job enrichment as well as role fit to become the significant predictors of meaningfulness(He, Zhu Zheng, 2014). Likewise, the relation between the co-workers and supervisor is also the positive predictors of the safety. In this context, Haslam, van Knippenberg, Platow and Ellemers (2014) commented that rewarding or providing the employee appraisal can be treated as the positive predictors of the safety. In addition, it has also been identified that adherence to workers norms as well as the self-consciousness are treated as the neg ative predictors. On the contrary, the resource is also considered as the positive indicators. The old environment of XYZ consultant is provides necessary benefits to the employees, which in turn influence the employee performance. The employees at XYZ consultant have worked under an open management system, where the employees have the opportunity to discuss directly to the manager of the organization. Therefore, the work-related issues encountered by the workers have been resolved very easily. Thereby, the availability of this opportunity is related to the aspect of meaningfulness. In addition, the old environment of XYZ consultant, under the supervision of Tim, provides employee appraisal benefits, which motivates the employees to perform effectively. This behavior is related to the aspect of safety. In addition, due to the open management system at XYZ, the employees and the manager Tim formed a good relationship, which is a positive indicator of employee engagement approach. The case study also in dicates that due to work scheduled have been designed after discussing with the staff of the company. This indicates a sense of security provided by XYZ to its employees. This is also a positive predictor of safety. Elements that were removed in the new environment under Fionas leadership Some changes have been observed when Tim hands over his role as managing director to Fiona. The case study indicates that Fiona would follow the principles of autocratic leadership style, where the opinions or the views of the employees are hardly considered. Fiona implemented some changes in the organization such as removing employee appraisal system. Fiona decided to withdraw the performance bonus system as well as the merit pay benefits. In addition, Fiona removed the open management system, which was developed by Tim at XYZ consultant. It has also been observed that Fiona restructured the organization by creating three different departments based on the training provided. This means each of the department consists of one HoD. Fiona would not interact with the staff and she would not attend any meeting with the employees. She would held the meeting with the HoDs only once in a week. This approach shows that employee opinions are not considered in the managerial approach. Likewise, the principles of autocratic leadership style are similar to the approach implemented by Fiona at XYZ Consultant. Explaining the training and consultants behavior highlighting on organizational justice and equity theory Organizational justice implies the perception of the employees of justice and fairness in the workplace. Hence, the employee perception can be further divided into four different categories such as the distributive, procedural, informational as well as the interactional. As mentioned by Dusterhoff, Cunningham and MacGregor (2014), distributive justice focuses on employees concern of the fairness of outcome, which they receive at the workplace. One of the common and biggest issues associated with the employee productivity or the performance is when they feel that their organization lacks fairness (Haslam, van Knippenberg, Platow Ellemers, 2014). Changes at XYZ indicate that removing employee appraisal system and incentive is negatively affecting the perception of the employees. This results in increased workloads and high turnover. After taking the responsibility from Tim, Fiona withdrew all employee benefits such as merit pay, incentives. Therefore, the employees in the organizations had to deal with the stress at the work. On the contrary, procedural process provides an insight regarding how the employees consider the fairness techniques of the outcome that are determined. For example, after the reconstruction of the structure at XYZ consultant, most of the employees had to go through immense work pressure. The organization would not do the justice with the workers as the work schedules were not discussed with the employees designing the schedule. In addition, interactional justice refers to the explanations that are communicated and the faire treatment of sensitivity towards the workers in the organization. It is observe that employees at XYZ consultant were not satisfied with the approach implemented after the reconstruction of the organizational structure. Different departments of activities were developed because of this approach; the consultants are usually not authorized to meet the managing director. Moreover, the issues related to employee productivity remained unresolved. Equity theory The organization needs to consider Equity theory factors while striving to develop employees performance and job satisfaction and the level of motivation (Jacobs, Belschak, Den Hartog, 2014). Thus, in order to conduct this, the organization needs to keep the balance that exists between workers inputs as well as outputs. Inputs may exist in the form of effort, loyalty, skills, ability, flexibility, determination (Lazaroiu, 2015). On the contrary, the output may involve the financial benefits and rewards, intangible benefits, recognition, reputation, responsibility and sense the achievement. However, after the reconstruction at XYZ consultant, all outputs or necessary benefits for the employees were taken off, which largely affect employee productivity. Conclusion Lastly, it can be mentioned that effective organizational behavior play an important role in developing organizational performance. Hence, the organization needs to focus on some influential factors associated with the organizational behavior. By cutting down the benefits, the company may not be able to receive the inputs from the employees. In addition, the company also needs to emphasize on the approaches involved in motivating the employees. Reference List: DiPaola, M., Tschannen-Moran, M. (2014). Organizational citizenship behavior in schools and its relationship to school climate.Journal of School Leadership,11(5), 424. Dusterhoff, C., Cunningham, J. B., MacGregor, J. N. (2014). The effects of performance rating, leadermember exchange, perceived utility, and organizational justice on performance appraisal satisfaction: Applying a moral judgment perspective.Journal of Business Ethics,119(2), 265-273. Haslam, S. A., van Knippenberg, D., Platow, M. J., Ellemers, N. (Eds.). (2014).Social identity at work: Developing theory for organizational practice. Psychology Press. Haslam, S. A., van Knippenberg, D., Platow, M. J., Ellemers, N. (Eds.). (2014).Social identity at work: Developing theory for organizational practice. Psychology Press. He, H., Zhu, W., Zheng, X. (2014). Procedural justice and employee engagement: Roles of organizational identification and moral identity centrality.Journal of business ethics,122(4), 681-695. Hogg, M. A., Terry, D. J. (Eds.). (2014).Social identity processes in organizational contexts. Psychology Press. Jacobs, G., Belschak, F. D., Den Hartog, D. N. (2014). (Un) ethical behavior and performance appraisal: the role of affect, support, and organizational justice. Journal of business ethics, 121(1), 63-76. Lazaroiu, G. (2015). Employee Motivation and Job Performance.Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, (14), 97-102. Strom, D. L., Sears, K. L., Kelly, K. M. (2014). Work engagement the roles of organizational justice and leadership style in predicting engagement among employees.Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies,21(1), 71-82.

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